Pantheon University
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Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

    Time Event
    [For Arin]
    Place: Ceara's office
    Time: Afternoonish
    Date: Late August before classes have started.

    She was straightening up the papers that her replacement was going to need, on all of the students who took the course last year and who were taking it this year. Then there were the syllabi for the various levels and all of the permission and waivers that had to be signed at the beginning of the semester. Lots of paperwork to pass on. But she couldn't rightly complain, she could sigh wistfully at having to give up the classes, but she was excited about being a mom for the first time. And lessening her class load gave her more time to prepare for the wedding.
    Everything was working out fine. She checked her watch, her replacement should be here soon.

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