Pandemansion Out of Character Community's Journal -- Day
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Pandemansion Out of Character Community

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Apologies [19 Apr 2008|10:27am]
[ mood | blah ]

Lots of stuff has been happening here at school, both school related and not. Finally got done with most of it. Family's coming to visit tonight and tomorrow, but after that I'll be back on a regular basis. :D Just lettin' y'all know, though I probably should've said it before everything went splat.

(3) caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

[19 Apr 2008|04:08pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Grey -- The 69 Eyes ]

:/ the laptop's moniter is completely unresponsive and spend 400-500 bucks, but for about 100 bucks more, we could gt a new one. I don't know when we'll get it (if we even go that route) so I'll be around on weekends. that being said, my email's still available, but Aim is pretty much shot. :/ Aim doesn't like altell razrs. Anyway~ I'm tweaking the intro so hopefully it won't suck be ok.


(2) caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

ROAR. [19 Apr 2008|10:32pm]

It's Remus Lupin. Yup. The friendly neighborhood werewolf! Don't you just love him? Especially at 18 years old! =D This'll be such fun~

This is Kaye beneath the name, and like always - if you want to RP at any time, feel free to tap me on the shoulder over AIM. Or even tag me in a random thread on the main board - I'll see it and I'll reply!

I'm cool like that.

By the way, if anybody's curious - that's Thomas Dekker posing as 18-year-old Remus. Isn't he a cutie?

(5) caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

Yet another addition [19 Apr 2008|10:58pm]
RKX again! So, I've got another character now... Kratos Aurion, one of Cruxis's Four Seraphim, from Tales of Symphonia! As usual, his bio is on his userinfo page. I'm really looking forward to playing him (as ToS is my favorite game ever), and I can't wait to have him interact with the people here. I thought that with all the vampires and demons and all around "darkness" thing we got going with several characters, an angel would be a nice addition. :P

(3) caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

[ viewing | April 19th, 2008 ]
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