Pandemansion Out of Character Community's Journal -- Day
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Pandemansion Out of Character Community

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I HAVE A SNEAKING SUSPISION... [14 Apr 2008|11:38am]
...THAT SARAH AND SAMMA ARE THE ONLY OTHER PLAYERS HERE BESIDES ME! I made an introduction post for myself and my character, as I was suppost to do, but only Sarah answer that. I'm rping in my first thread with Samma.

Oh...I do know that another new player has, as far as I know, that's Sarah, Samma, me & Ally. I looked under 'Contact' and saw all of these names, but I think they all must be pseudonyms that Sarah and Samma write under to fool people!

If there are any others here, I sure would like them to say 'Hi'!

(29) caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

[ viewing | April 14th, 2008 ]
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