


What the hell?! I was on my way back home to teach and now this?! Ugh!



I'm up at almost two o'clock in the morning, and nothing I do to usually fall asleep is working. I'm so tired of having nightmares. I'll probably fall asleep at some point, but anyone have any sleeping remedies? or ideas on how to trick the old brain into dreamless sleeping?



Okay... when I said I wanted a vacation I did not mean it literally. Much less in another continent. Now then,where am I amd is any of my friends here?



This is not England. Or The Burrow. Someone better explain where I am.

Weasleys! Where are you lot? Anyone?



Um... what is going on? I shouldnt be here. alive... why am I alive...



Well this an interesting turn of events...



I dont like this. Where am I? Doctor,where are you?



This...isn't Storybrooke.

I swear Peter, if this is one of your games where you think that it's funny to kidnap me, I'm going to get away some how.




No...Not again...



I don't have time for this non-sense.

But, if I have to be here... does anyone out there have any pain killers? I normally wouldn't ask a bunch of strangers that, but I'm kind of desperate here.



Well this seem to be an interesting turn of events.... Soooo, anyone wanna clue me in on whats going on here?



Where am I? What's going on? How did I get here? Please don't make me stay here, it's not safe......



You messed with the wrong person, Bubs.



OK,what am I doing here? Where is Allison ? And What the Hell is a Stiles?!



So what the hell am I doing in Fricking Vegas of all places?! I just wanna go home!



Free mysterious trip to Vegas? Cool. I'll just assume I got here on my own and wasn't kidnapped because, c'mon, who'd wanna kidnap me?

Those damn animatronics but



What's this then? Big buildings, tons of people, oh that looks new. It is new. I think.

Right, as much as I enjoy a jump through the universe, this was uncalled for. Clara? Are you around?

Or the other one. I don't have much time for games right now.



Swanky. World looks good. Doesn't look like shit.

So what kind of shit is this then?



I... what am I doing here? I was in Chicago... this isn't Chicago.



So, Vegas. Huh. Never been. The boys never drove took me out here.

Vroom vroom. Who wants to go out and explore with me?