May 2008

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April 5th, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]paganwarriors

Posting access...

I don't know why I'm not getting any kind of email that folk want to join the community. It is showing that you have friended the community as well but have not joined it. I just changed the settings so if you have previously joined [info]paganwarriors but did not have posting access, try joinng again. It should work this time. I'll keep an eye on things.

[info]dreadgerbil in [info]paganwarriors

Time to introduce myself...

Hi there.
I wanted to say thank you to [info]chimerawinds for setting up this community and taking charge of all the moderation.

About me:
My name's Arlen. I'm a Scotsman married to a wonderful American woman and about to move over there to settle down.
I consider myself Heathen rather than Pagan. (I believe a few things which go against what is 'Written' by the Pagan Federation.)
My beliefs could be best described as Nature based with Celtic and Norse leanings.
I enjoy working with my hands and have strong feelings about my role as a man and as a protector of my family.
I consider part of that role being a strong and capable warrior and I fence with broadswords and practice martial arts to make sure of this.

I served with the Royal Highland Fusiliers Army Cadets as a teenager. It was a wonderful experience and did a lot to mold the man I am today.

A friend of my wife serves with the U.S. Coast Guard and he has just switched from his station in Bahrain to a station in Iraq..
While he's a Christian and not a Pagan, he is a great guy and he has all of my respect and admiration.

Once I am settled with my wife I am seriously considering taking a career position (as opposed to a volunteer position) with the Idaho Air National Guard.
We don't want to have to be parted again too soon after finally getting settled down together, so it wouldn't be for another year or so.
However, for all the risk of getting deployed and all the hard work, I feel it would be worthwhile to give something back to the country which gave me my wife and to be a full-time warrior.

My best wishes and respect to all the men and women currently serving.

I've included some artwork which always inspires me to work hard an to be the best man that I can be.

Here be pictures. )