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Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

    Time Event
    Recent WV article
    "Is Being Organized Really Necessary?"
    As someone who has always felt that the current popular religion, (i.e. Christianity), was somewhat lacking, I was more than ready for some reality that I can sense and feel is right, not just have someone tell me it is.

    When I found the Pagan path, I finally felt like I had found a belief system that I could get into and actually put some faith in.
    Why is it when someone asks questions about the Pagan faith, they are encouraged to find a local coven or something and visit?
    Gaaah. Maybe they're encouraged to find a group because that's how every other religion on the planet gains new members. Because until mass-marketed popWicca, no religion's practitioners said, "the best way to become one of us is to read on your own and stay away from groups that actually practice the religion, because maybe you won't agree with their concept of the religion."


    I am sick of "I've read all this stuff about paganism and so I know how it works and how it should work better than the people who've been doing it for several decades."

    More mini-rant inside )

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