August 28th, 2008

[info]finvampire in [info]padackles_slash

Fic: 'Fairytale Gone Bad' - Chapter 1/?

Heading: ’Fairytale gone bad’ 1/?
By: [info]finvampire 
Beta: realscape (At LJ)
Pairing: Jared Padalecki (35)/Jensen Ackles (17)
Other characters: Terry Warren (40) (OMC),Chad Michael Murray (20), Christian Kane (22), Sandy McCoy (30)
Fandom: SPN, (RPS)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash,angst,smut
Disclaimer: I do not own Jared Padalecki,Jensen Ackles,Christian Kane, Sandy McCoy or Chad Michael Murray, nor do I claim to know anything about their personal life. This is work of fiction, and not meant to offend in any way.
Summary: Jared is an older guy (35), who’s very much into young and pretty guys . He has a strong need to possess those beauties, but what happens when he falls in love (obsession) with one of them? And the one he’s in love with, is hetero.There is also a dark shadow hanging over Jensen, in a form of another man.
Warnings: angst, SLASH, strong language, possessive behavior, mild humiliation, non-con sex,
Feedback: feed me? O__O
Word count: 1267

A/N 1: This one is, once again, a dark story. I wanted to explore the morbid depths of human mind, and what they are capable of doing to another human being. There’s also dealings with mental problems, and serious trauma, in the story, so be warned. In other words, if you don’t like dark, I suggest you do not click the link ;)

A/N 2: A HUGE, thank you to 'realscape', for beta, and several good tips on this chapter!!!!
*big hugs & smooches*

Chapter 1 )

September 2011

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