Saturday, June 28th, 2008


Posted by Rain on May 2, 2008 at 11:19pm in Pagans Against Child Abuse


As mentioned before, these are just some of the symbols accepted and used in the online pedophile community to identify themselves. They can be displayed on websites, in avatar form, and can also be found off line, in the form of coins, key chains, stickers, rings, necklaces etc.

A heart within a heart, or "GLogo" "GirlLover" is used by pedophiles attracted to girls. The heart in a heart, to them, represents a adult/ female child relationship.

A blue spiral-shaped triangle symbol, or "BLogo" "BoyLover", symbolizes a boy (small triangle) surrounded by an older male (larger triangle)- and is meant to show adult/male child relationships.

The butterfly CLogo a.k.a. “ChildLover” (commonly looks like four touching hearts) in pink/blue represents non-preferential gender pedophiles (girl or boy attracted, often both).

The yin-yang looking circle is CGlogo, used in reference to the website, Common Ground, which was created as a place for both girl and boy attracted pedophiles to meet and sympathize with each other.

The pink/blue triangles is "AmaroSymbol" is a variation of the CGLogo.

But, it's not just symbols that you ought to know about. The online version of the "strange creepy man" uses their own shorted slang (think: your teenagers spelling while text messaging) in order to classify themselves, and their interests.

* AoA: Short for "age of attraction" meaning the age groups of children they are attracted to

* MAA: Minor attracted adult (used in hopes of sounding less sickening than the word "pedophile")

* AoC: Age of (legal) consent

* CL: ChildLover, pedophile

* GL: Attracted to girls
* BL: Attracted to boys

* CL: ChildLover, pedophile

* YF: Young friend, used when speaking about a victim

You'll also see a good deal of "LGs" or little girls, "GMs" for a "girl moments", which is time spent with a young girl (that can either be a passing second consisting of nothing more than a glance or a smile, or a lengthy visit with a girl).

Then there are the chats, or message boards:

* CC: known as Common Ground, a place for pedophiles of both preferences. Common ground, while being the one that touts of being for "all" pedophiles is less used than either of the other forums:
* GC: GirlChat- for those that favor victimizing girls
* BC: BoyChat- for those that favor victimizing boys
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