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plot bunny orphanage

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ruroni kenshin/stargate sg-1 [Aug. 13th, 2007|08:29 pm]
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Anyway, the cross was: What if Kaoru worked at SGC as the newest member of SG-1and her first mission off world they run across a System Lord they've never heard of? They get captured and the System Lord, Battosai, tells them he's heard of them and doesn't feel like killing them today. Now, Battosai's pretty reasonable for a Gao'uld, he says I'll let all of you go but I keep the girl. This is heard by a ex-Special Ops., a female Air Force Major, a former First Prime of Apophis, and an archologist with a White Knight complex worse than the entire Round Table at Camelot. You can imagine the response. We manage to haul ass out of there, with everyone, and it's all good. About three months later the To'kra decide it's time for their usual "let's try to kill the SGC" mission and show up. It's Anise, Jacob and a new guy named Kenshin. Damn if he decide look exactly like that Battousai guy. Turns out it was an undercover op but Battousai can be that big an ass if he wants something. And he still wants Kaoru. First time Battousai gets fresh Kaoru slaps him upside the head so hard his great-grandchildren felt it. So we go back and forth for a while with Battousai pissing Kaoru off and Kenshin saying sorry and threatening to cut the stupid snake out.
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