OWN THE SUN - An AU Asian Entertainment RP


January 10th, 2008

ots_mods @ 01:47 pm: RESERVED CHARACTERS
Before anyone claims a character, it is important to read the reserved list first. Here are the list of characters:

Izumi - Kagrra
Whee Sung
Peter Ho
Sung Si Kyung
Mizushima Hiro
Domoto Koichi (Kinki Kids)

Current Mood: busy
ots_mods @ 01:51 pm: CALIFORNIA GEOGRAPHY
In the state of California, particularly in LA, it is virtually impossible to get anywhere without a car and the other option would be by bus. So in case your muses might head out of LA and to another city or just go to downtown LA, here are some important links for you guys.

CALIFORNIA ROADS AND HIGHWAYS - everything you need to know about the numbered highways in California.

CALIFORNIA BUS LINES DIRECTORY - for those of your muses who commute, here's a list of bus lines that run in California. There's a drop-down list of counties as well that may help you if your muse needs to travel interstate.

CALIFORNIA COUNTIES and CALIFORNIA CITIES - Alternatively, here's a list of counties and cities in California for those who aren't familiar with its geography.

Current Mood: busy
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ots_mods @ 01:56 pm: ABOUT UCLA
Because a lot of us have muses attending classes at UCLA and many of you may not be familiar with how the school system there works....

UCLA runs on the quarter system -- in other words, there are three terms (Fall, Winter, Spring) plus summer session. We are currently in Spring Quarter. Instruction for Spring classes ends on June 8th (or last meeting day previous to), with finals running from the 9th to the 15th. When exactly your character will have exams will depend on which class(es) s/he is taking, with all sections of a given lecture course generally taking the final at the same time. Of course those sorts of details will be largely up to the muns to sort out ... not that I think any of us have muses taking classes together this term.

Summer session is a compressed term, mostly for basic/core classes, running either June 25th to some time in August (varies depending on 6-, 8-, or 10-week course) or August 6th through September 14th.

Fall Quarter will begin on September 27th with finals running from December 8th to the 14th.


Current Mood: busy
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ots_mods @ 02:05 pm: WEATHER CHANNEL
It's hard for people outside the US to keep track of LA's weather patterns and relate to them. The Weather Channel has really good information, even down to hour by hour, on their site. Just under the city name, there's also a link to convert the temperatures into metric, for those more familiar with the Celsius scale than Fahrenheit. This should make it easier for us all to coordinate our muses' reactions to the weather, etc.


Current Mood: busy
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