Over the Rainbow

July 12th, 2007

Over the Rainbow


July 12th, 2007

Welcome to the community

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We're now open for business. I'm your moderator -- at present, the only one. In time, with growth, more will be added as needed.

For the time being, membership is open, and the posts are not auto-friendlocked. At a later time, I'll put it to vote for the community to decide if it should continue to be that way, provided that trolls are absent or kept to a minimum. This community should be a safe and comfortable place for all of us.

Gay or straight, you're welcome here. If you don't support the idea that homosexuals can be Christians as well, you're still welcome, as long as you don't attack members. Questions are always welcome, as are prayer requests.

Now, a bit about me, the founder of the community... Read more... )
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