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[21 Aug 2010|11:20pm]

it's been fun guys but i'm out.
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:') [08 Jul 2010|09:01pm]
sayonara \\// keep in touch, i promise i'll sign on sometimes :-) and go see inception next friday!
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[01 Apr 2010|04:00pm]
i'm out too guys, it's been fun
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[08 Mar 2010|02:37pm]

sorry guys, i'm out. <3
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just got too busy :( [11 Feb 2010|11:12pm]

goodbye kudz, it's been fun!
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and I'm also really sorry to Jake for begging him here and then peacing :/ [07 Dec 2009|08:31am]

I'm sure everyone knew this was coming. I just want to say thanks to everyone that has been so supportive over the past couple days and encouraging me to stay. Under the circumstances I just don't think I can play Anne like she deserves to be played, but maybe in the future I'll be back. All of you have been wonderful and I had a great time talking to each of you. Hit me up if you want OOC info or anything.

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[05 Dec 2009|10:43pm]

Dearest [info]kudz,

Lately, our relationship has been strained. You never call anymore and often times I wonder if you really ever loved me. I know this will be hard for you, but this is for the best. I've loved you dearly. I'm sure you guys were expecting this one, but I'm going to have to make my exit as well. It was definitely fun while it lasted. The people I've interacted with are great, but right now I just can't keep up. Also, half of the people I originally talked to or came in for have left. Keep it real and if you want to keep up with me OOC feel free to PM me. Just let me know in my f.o that you have so I don't miss it.

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[05 Dec 2009|04:56pm]

I have been thinking about this for a very long time so don't think that this is at all sudden, but I am going to have to pull Kat. I love just about all of you, but this just isn't the place for her anymore. If you want to keep in touch, PM me and I'll give you my OOC.

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:( [05 Dec 2009|03:39pm]

dearest [info]kudz,

it deeply saddens me to do this but because of my issues with having no time and some personal family things, i'm going to have to pull zachary. thank you to anyone who made him feel welcome, i really had fun playing him here. i love you all and please let me know if you'd like to keep in touch!

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[05 Nov 2009|10:58pm]

where [info]plewisw goes, i follow. if you wanna keep in touch, please let me know. until then, have a good one folks!
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[05 Nov 2009|10:53pm]

So pretty much since Joe and Zooey left, I haven't really been feeling [info]kudz, but I tried to put on a brave face and keep up with this character because I loved playing him and thought it was fun. Unfortunately it's been clear I'm really just hogging the space with my storyline partner because we'd been here so long and didn't quite know how to handle the situation.

tl;dr I'm pulling Pete (Which I'm sure is going to make a bunch of people happy). Good luck with the next one.
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[17 Sep 2009|02:46pm]

adios kudz, its a shame we have to part
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[02 Sep 2009|10:59pm]
i love you guys so much and maybe in the future i'll return (again) but for now it's my time to bow out, hugs and kisses [info]kudz
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[22 Aug 2009|06:55am]

to all the people mikey usually talks to, sorry i've been so scarce as of late. rl has been taking me to hell (new jersey) and back this past week. i'm going to be around even less this coming week because i'm heading to the shore. so, hold tight, i promise he hasn't fell off the face of the earth.
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[10 Aug 2009|09:01pm]

Sorry to have to pull out but I really don't have time to keep up with a community anymore. It was really fun in the few weeks that I was here, I really enjoyed playing with some of you!
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[26 Jul 2009|04:33pm]

hey kudz it's been fun but it's time for [info]cbrad and myself to make our exit. stay classy.
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ooc [14 Jun 2009|05:07am]

so, its obvious that I'm not too active here, I'm sort of overwhelmed with real life stuff and I feel like I'm role hogging so, I'm going to ask you please remove Ashlee, you're all great! I just feel like I'm not playing her as well as I could here. sorry guys. :/ if you wanna keep in touch, I'll be around on Ashlee's sn. I might come back when I'm not so overwhelmed with life and whatnot.
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[09 May 2009|06:05pm]

everyone taylor talked to has left or died and i just can't bring myself to live here right now. i had a ton of fun with her while i was around and i love everyone she had the chance to befriend. if you want to keep in touch let me know. its been fun xox
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[03 May 2009|04:42pm]

i feel extremely disconnected to this role, i think it's time to say goodbye :(
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[02 May 2009|02:30am]

just a heads up, i havent been around and i probably wont be around much until wednesday. an out-of-town visitor is here and we're hitting bamboozle to catch the aporkalypse flu and see no doubt. are bedazzled face masks too over-the-top?
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