Out of Hell : a Dean/Buffy storyline's Journal
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Thursday, September 4th, 2008

    Time Event
    Searching for hope ...
    Sam had a not so good night of sleep. Tossing and turning, horrible images of his brother screaming and in pain echoed in his dreams. When he would wake, he had hoped the dreams would end but when he would turn over and try to get back to sleep, it didn't work.

    What also didn't help was dreams of Dean with who was across the room. She was pretty. Smart. Tough. He didn't have to tip toe around being a hunter and, god, he just knew he needed to get laid and not by this woman, she was Dean's girl, wasn't she?

    Sam woke early in the morning, going down and seeing Bobby sitting there, another strange woman beside him. He raised an eyebrow and walked over. "What's going on?"

    "We know the area where Lilith is," Bobby got up and turned a map over. "And it seems a place she is gathering more demons."

    Sam moved over and looked at the map.

    The woman pointed down, "She is in this area and Sam, I suggest you don't go alone."

    Sam turned looking back to the stairs.

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