our true selves.

March 8th, 2010

our true selves.


March 8th, 2010

Agency Announcement

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As most of you know, through announcements from our department and just from watching the news, there have been a lot of new developments in the past couple weeks regarding the current state of the war.

While the Agency has been on its way to rebuilding itself, we've also been dealing with a number of pressing matters including but not limited to giving our support to Camelot in their war against the terrorist organization known as CORE.

In light of the recent attacks on the city of Berlin as well as the three attempted and two succeeded assassinations of U.S. State Senators, we the Agency must reiterate that this war is officially no longer involving just reincarnates. As CORE has decided to specifically target the non-reincarnate world at this stage in the war, non-reincarnate governments are now aligning with Camelot as well as the Agency to help bring these brutal killings and acts of terrorism to a stop.

Two known CORE members died last week, in what we believe to be in some way related to these latest attacks by CORE. Regarding the assassinations in the States, we have one suspect currently in custody and are asking for anyone who has any sort of information on these important matters, or knows anyone that might, to come forward. The investigation on the unfortunate events that took place in Berlin is ongoing.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact your Caretakers or your local Agency office. The Agency's Political Department is also always here to listen to your concerns as well.

Stay safe.

Colin Ford
Diplomatic Department Director

Phone Call

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To: Leon Sullivan
From: Betty Peabody
When: Backdated to late Saturday night, after lap dancing the Sheriff.

It's not fair, you know. You took things without asking. )

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To: Joseph Belmont
From: Joy Paxton

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