our true selves.

July 11th, 2009

our true selves.


July 11th, 2009


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To: Delirum/Dominic and Death/Taylor
From: Dashiel Mulligan
Subject: A Question

Um. Sorry to bother you. But I was wondering if it's possible. I mean. There's this...necklace. I woke up with it, in my hand. And, I mean. I was dreaming about it. It was my mother's, and I havent' seen it for...a very long time. And then I woke up, and it was there. And I know it's crazy, but. I'm sort of starting to get used to the wird things that seem to happen, but. I guess I just want to know...is it real? Did he pull it out of my dream?

I'm just trying to understand.
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