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Hiatus for me! [06 Aug 2009|08:44pm]

The small library I work for is in the last stages of renovation and I have to spend the next week shelving over 13,000 books....with little to no help. SOOO... I'm going on a semi-hiatus. I realize since I play Neville you guys might need me in the next few days so I'll be around to help with threads that need to get done for advancement in plot - but journaling and open-threading won't be happening until the library is officially open for real life use.

Speaking of threads we need to do for DA stuff:
- The First Official DA Leaders Meeting (we talked about this one)
- RECRUITING threads (Contact yer resident Rep for those)
- The Distribution of the "Hogsmeade Supplies List" (in the works)

IF you need me for threads please comment here or to Neville or Millicent's bio pages or email: eckcooties@gmail.com. Also, new characters - I'll try to comment to your intro posts in the coming days. But if I don't feel free to drop me a line to! Till I return, you all have fun!

(Neville & Millicent)
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[05 Aug 2009|02:56pm]

Hey guys :)

Just wanted to introduce everyone to my third and final charrie, the lovely Gwen Montgomery, 6th year Slytherin. ([info]gwennie)
One of the Montgomery sisters mentioned in book 6, her brief claim to fame is the death of her 5 year old brother following a werewolf attack from our favourite werewolf.
She has one other brother, a few years older than her, and a younger sister in Hufflepuff. Her sister's around 10 months younger than her, so they're actually in the same year.

What else? Gwen's part of Pansy's little posse thing (if that's okay!) and although not really a follower type of personality, it's more of a status thing for her, plus she thinks the girls are fun. That being said, she does look up to Pansy, certainly moreso when she was younger. She's actually very friendly, in a two-faced sort of way, and because her upbringing was WAY more liberal than your typical pureblood, she's not so much of an ice-queen, though she can certainly pull that off! That being said, she is a purist to the core, and was a good little follower until the death of her baby brother. Since then, she still believes all the pureblood stuff, but thinks Voldemort's a wanker, pretty much.

I think that's it, other than the fact that she demands attention from Draco (sorry kaycee!) and there's loads on her in her user info, if anyone's bored. I'd still like to work out some of the relationships, so that section's not at all up to date.

Anyway, plots? Friends/enemies/exes whatever? She is amazingly friendly, and very flirty, so would love something with most people.
Also, if anyone's interested, Susan and Lisa could still use plots :P
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Hello! [04 Aug 2009|08:55pm]

Hello guys! This is Daria here, again, with a brand new character. :)

This is Clement Vaisey. He is a 17 year old, sixth year Slytherin Halfblood. He is also a chaser on the house team. His parents are both loyal followers of You-Know-Who along with his older brother, Greyson. His sister, Jolie, ran away from home when Clement was younger and she's not in contact with the family - save for Clement. She's a neutral party, though she sides with the Light much more than the dark. Also, his uncle is Augustus Rookwood. Clement actually hates him.

ANYWAY. On to Clement. He's incredibly quiet. A serious type, definitely broody. He doesn't really have much to say unless its extremely important. He's very intelligent and a big dreamer. His biggest excitement is Quidditch. He's fantastic, really.

But this year he's having some issues. For a long time, he was a very proud guy. Now, he's coming to realize that his parents' loyalty might not be his loyalty and he's questioning why he so blindly followed his parents. For all intents and purposes, he is pretending to be Pro-Carrow. But to be honest, they make him ill.

Sooo, yeah. Anyone want to be friends? Enemies? Exes? :)
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[04 Aug 2009|11:35am]

Hey guys! My name's Lucy, I'm new and really excited about this game, and this here is Josh Dorny, a sixth-year Hufflepuff.

He's a halfblood, and very neutral and kind of apathetic - he thinks that there should be more separation between the Muggle and magical worlds because he has never really found a happy balance between the two, but he hates Voldemort and the Carrows, so falls very decidedly on the side of the Light. I'd love for him to get more involved with that stuff this year. He gets bored pretty easily with books and academic stuff, but is very, very athletic - he spends half his life trying to get people to play football with him. He also loves climbing and freerunning, and will climb anything in sight, especially if someone says "Bet you can't do it." He spends a lot of time practising flips, and he's getting pretty good at it. He also likes trying to do flying tricks. Essentially, he's kind of an adrenaline junkie, and super competitive. Oh, he also plays Chaser for Hufflepuff.

He's chatty and friendly and smiley, and while he can be pretty unreliable in that he's often late, he's a good friend - he'll keep secrets, he always has time for people, and is very respectful towards girls. He happens to be gay but that really isn't a big deal to him - he hasn't come out, but his closest friends might have an idea because he doesn't talk about girls or relationships or date. He'll quite happily flirt with girls, but it never gets any further than that.

That's about it! I would love to find some friends, enemies, maybe an ex-girlfriend who things (rather obviously) didn't go well with, and so on. My aim is flamesplummet if anyone wants to plot :)
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[30 Jul 2009|08:38pm]

Just wanted to make a small announcement that I have a new personal journal!
So feel free to go over to [info]pedant and add meh!

Can't wait for the game to start!

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[26 Jul 2009|10:54pm]

Lynden here with another one! Jason Summers is a Huffie 6th year who's not much of a talker per sey, but er..

Well, he's shy but he is friendly. He doesn't express his feelings or opinions that often but he will have a nice conversation with whoever needs one. He listens too. He gets intimidated easily and is a push over and is easily tricked.
His mother is a pureblood who is totally loving everything that's happening now, and she's trying to get Jason to love it too. He's a bit weary as he shares opinions with some of the students who thinks this whold thing is wrong wrong wrong. So he's getting nagged at by both sides of the team. One day he's just gonna SNAP! Which shall be evil and ooh so good.
But until then he's going to be boring, so ya'll should add me on aim or email me and we can make up some awsome plots/back stories awwww yeah.
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[25 Jul 2009|12:41pm]

Hiya guys! As I am completely and utterly new here, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Daria, I'm a 20 year old Creative Writing major at Hofstra University. I've been out of the RPing game for a year or two, but I'm excited to be back.

Anyway, on to Celia!

Celia Ackerley is a 6th year Gryffindor. A cousin of the deceased Cedric Diggory, she is not only a full supporter of Harry Potter but she's willing to do what she can to help fight the cause. She's a bundle of energy, and constantly trying to see the good. Half the time she doesn't exactly know when its a good time to be serious or when its approriate to crack jokes. All in all, she's a pretty friendly girl. She generally likes you before she doesn't. (Unless you're in Slytherin. She's not to keen on knowing them.)

You can find her bio here if you're interested in getting to know her more.

I am up and open to anything! She's definitely in the need of some friends, enemies, etc. You can catch me at x3daria on AIM. :)

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Hi [25 Jul 2009|09:30am]

Hey everyone I'm Caitlin playing Hannah Abbott. She the traditional Hufflepuff sweet and kind though very subued by her mothers death the previous year and what is happening now. She has promised her father that she will not do anything, but seeing so much suffering she will want to help. So I see her wanting to be apart of the DA like she was in her 5th year
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[24 Jul 2009|08:40am]

Hey all, tis Kaycee with Draco. I know this is slow. As most of you know, we moved not long ago, so took some time to unpack and job hunting is a nightmare. I hate it with like every fiber of my body. Anyway, Happy Birthday to me too. I usually don't say that but it is today! Okay, so here is Draco. Her is pretty subdued after everything that happened. He is also quite pissed because he should have been head boy. The fact is that being a death eater really isn't what he wants. He will get involved with the IS and the Dueling Club but all is not right in the land of Draco and it can be obvious. He still has a wickedly mean streak, and his sarcasm still has his usual bite. Still, he is a bit more willing to talk and listen, and might even be more tolerant towards people he has never talked to before.

Anywho, friends, enemies, plottage - all is welcome.
Kaycee <3 Greek Tragedy24 on AIM!

Deprived of all his thoughts,
The young man struggles on and on he's known,
A vow unto his own,
That never from this day,
His will they'll take away... )
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[23 Jul 2009|05:56pm]

Ohhhhhh spose it would be good for me to write and say hello... again.
That's okay, I love making new friends.

I'm Lynden and as stated by miss Amberface, I play Ginny Weasley! I played Ginny in the previous game too which apparently people liked. Which just gives me an ego boost because I've never played as Ginny and I haven't been rping for a whhhiiiiiiiilleee.

So where to start. Ginny is feeling sad angry and lonely. But also is active and wants to do something to fix all that. What a perfect oppertunity! So she's going to try to do anything that's possible, even if that means harming herself. Although, if it were to harm her friends, well that's a different story. She's very loyal to her friends and family and would do anything for them.

We all know Ginny is stubborn. *cough* So if your character wants to be annoyingly obnoxious and argue over something she thinks is ight... well prepare for weasley temperrrrr! But she is nice and treats people as they treat her. She can be silly sometimes and act like a nutty fan girl over the right things. She's also thoughful and serious at the best of times. Which is good with the whole current situation.

Most of her future plots are obvious. She's helping Neville reinstate with Luna. So ya'll better ready for the new, cooler trio! As far as any other plots are concerned, I can't really think of anything else for her busy schedule. Uhm.. I'd love her to have a crazy angry duel somewhere. Oh yeah. :D
If you have any ideas or just wanna chat, add me on aim @ pshlynden oooor msn omgpop_lynny@hotmail.com I'm more likely to be on msn though.
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr am I missing anything? No? Right then awaayyy I go!
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