Our Destinies - A Marauder Era RPG's Journal - Day

Friday, August 3, 2007


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]xo_care_bear_xo)

Hey guys, following the mass renewing of the main page familiarity...or er...something like that.

I've been convinced. So now you lot will all have to deal with Carrie and Selena ALL over again. I've decided to take creative lisence and make death eater Yaxley, Selena's uncle as well anyone who has read Deathy Hallows knows why. It actually works out better than I could have imagined on another rp with her, so yeah.

ANYWHO...new journals.

Carrie = miss_carebear

Selena = thorn_of_Eirinn

my aim is still carriebarry54321 and msn jenisapsyco@hotmail.com. So add the babies and get into contact with me for any ideas.


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