Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[17 Aug 2015|03:44pm]
Who: Ari (Ares) and Liz (Hebe)
Where: Ari's place
When: Monday evening
What: BBQ and company
Warnings: Lots of sex
Status: Complete

Steak and potatoes )

[17 Aug 2015|08:16pm]
Who: Roan (Perseus) and Allie (Eris)
Where: The motel
When: Monday night
What: Officer Crawford has a call
Warnings: None yet
Status: Complete

Dispatch to Officer Crawford )

[17 Aug 2015|08:29pm]
Who: Lieb (Hermes) and Sam (Apollo)
Where: Hospital
What: TV Interview
When: Monday afternoon, to air Monday night
Warnings: tbd
Status: Complete

Read more... )

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