Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[09 Aug 2015|01:19pm]
Who: Kate (Athena), Hayden (Hephaestus), and Roan (Perseus)
Where: The Temple
When: Sunday afternoon
What: Kate goes for a walk and discovers yet another monster
Status: Complete

Kate gets some head(s). )

[09 Aug 2015|02:07pm]
Who: Nikki (Nike) and Mike (Kratos)
Where: Sexy Sirens
What: A dance sprinkled with a little corruption
When: Wednesday Evening
Warnings: It takes place in a strip club... sex
Status: Complete

Read more... )

[09 Aug 2015|06:31pm]
Who: Lena (Helen) and Andrei (Cronus)
Where: The hospital, then wherever he takes her.
When: Friday night after this
What: Lena calls Andrei to come get her and to further break the trail.
Status: complete

Who knew how much of a help all that TV would be to her eventual career in crime.... )

[ viewing | August 9th, 2015 ]
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