Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[28 Jul 2015|09:51am]
Who: Wolf (Artemis) and Ari (Ares)
Where: the Chop Shop
When: 7/28, late afternoon
What: Stella needs to fix her car and finds a fellow grease monkey
Status: incomplete

Pop the hood )

[28 Jul 2015|08:56pm]
Who: Hera and Athena
Where: Kate's office
When: Tuesday afternoon
What: Two goddesses have a conversation
Warnings: Language perhaps
Status: Complete

Time to Talk )

[28 Jul 2015|11:47pm]
Who: Andrei (Cronus) and Zander (Zeus)
What: A bump in
Where: The Street, to start
When: Wednesday 7/29
Warnings: tbd
Status: Complete

Read more... )

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