Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[05 Jul 2015|09:51am]
Who: Lyta (Kleio), Callie (Calliope), Ari (Ares) and OPEN
Where: Amphitheater
When: July 4th, Evening
What: Fireworks
Status: incomplete

Red, White, and BOOM! )

[05 Jul 2015|12:17pm]
Who: Lena (Helen) and OPEN
Where: Owen's Pub
When: Sunday Evening, July 5
What: Time out
Status: Complete

A breath of fresh air )

[05 Jul 2015|01:06pm]
Who: Ari (Ares) and Mike (Kratos)
Where: The Chop Shop
When: Sunday
What: Checking out the shop after a break in
Warnings: Language
Status: Complete


[05 Jul 2015|02:41pm]

[Posters up all over town!]

[05 Jul 2015|07:30pm]
Who: Kate (Athena) and Zander (Zeus)
Where: His office
When: Monday, July 6
What: Strategy

Court is like playing Chess. Play to win. Make your sacrifice. Protect the King. )

[05 Jul 2015|09:28pm]
Who: Ivy (Medusa) and Danny (Poseidon)
Where: Her Apartment
When: Sunday Evening, July 5
What: Looking in the mirror
Status: In-Progress

It was not her reflection she saw... or at least not the reflection she expected to see )

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