Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[23 Jun 2015|12:00am]
WHO: Corban (Heracles) and Mina (Alecto)
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon 6/23
WHAT: Meet up to box/work out
WARNINGS: None as of yet
STATUS: In-progress

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[23 Jun 2015|10:49am]
Who: Allie (Eris) and Ivy (Medusa)
Where: Allie's apartment
When: Sunday morning after Ivy is attacked at the club
What: Talking things through
Warnings: language
Status: complete

A friend is someone to talk to, a best friend helps you hide the body. )

[23 Jun 2015|06:30pm]
Who: Andrei (Cronus), Adric (Erebus), open
Where: Strip Club
When: Tuesday evening
What: Just stopping buy for a drink...
Warnings: probably language and violence
Status: Complete

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[23 Jun 2015|11:39pm]
WHO: Eleanor (Hecate) and Andrei (Cronus)
WHAT: A drink after work.
WHERE: The Grapevine
WHEN: June 24th
STATUS: In-progress
It was refreshing to be among the living )

[ viewing | June 23rd, 2015 ]
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