Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[08 Jun 2015|07:55am]
Who: Danny (Poseidon) and Beatriz (Amphitrite)
Where: Her office at the high school
When: Monday, June 8, after noon
What: talking about his interview
Warnings: language?
Status: Complete
Called to the office )

[08 Jun 2015|08:07am]
Who: Regina (Hera) and Zander (Zeus)
Where: Her: OB/GYN office, him: work
When: Backdated to Thursday, June 4
What: Regina calls Zander
Warnings: None so far
Status: Complete

WHERE have you BEEN?! )

[08 Jun 2015|10:57pm]
Who: Miles Owens and Roan Crawford
Where: Outside Owen's Pub
When: Monday night
What: Some police harassment?
Rating: R-Language
Status: Incomplete

Piss off. )

[08 Jun 2015|11:24pm]
Who: Miles Owens and Theodore Morrison
Where: Local park
When: Sunday afternoon
What: Conversation/Information purchase
Rating: R-Language
Status: Complete

What do you have for me, Teddy-boy? )

[ viewing | June 8th, 2015 ]
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