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Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[29 May 2015|11:36am]
Who: Kate (Athena), Eric, Regina (Hera)
Where: Kate’s office in Concord, the road, Olympus Falls
When: Thursday Evening, 5/28
What: Eric comes to find his birth mother and take her to Olympus Falls
Warnings: none
Status: Complete

In the Beginning…. )

[29 May 2015|01:53pm]
Who: Kate (Athena), Roan (Perseus)
Where: A dark, deserted road leading out of Olympus Falls
When: Late Thursday Night immediately after Kate takes Eric back to his home
What: A broken down vehicle, a dark road, and no road side assistance.
Warnings: possible language.
Status: Complete

Those Other Ideas )

[29 May 2015|02:31pm]
WHO: Evelyn and Lazarus Melville
WHEN: Sunday Morning (5/30)
WHERE: Their home.
WHAT: A run in before the day gets started.
STATUS: Complete
is it matrimony or matrimurder? )

[29 May 2015|07:04pm]
Who: Ari (Ares) and Kate (Athena)
Where: Ari's shop
When: Friday morning, 5/29
What: Kate comes to check on her car
Warnings: none
Status: Complete

Fate just keeps shining )

[ viewing | May 29th, 2015 ]
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