February 6th, 2011


Archive of Our Own Server Naming Festival!

ETA: Nominations are now closed. Thanks for your suggestions! Watch this space for the opportunity to vote on the final picks!

ETA - deadline for nominations extended to 12 February

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of fandom, we're upgrading the servers for the AO3! Our original two servers are being joined by four more, bringing more storage space, more power and more speed, all paid for through fannish donations to the OTW. We think this calls for a celebration!

The Rails Twins: cartoon style image of servers

The Archive will have some downtime while we swap over to the new servers. We know that this will leave some of you twiddling your thumbs - we'd love it if you could harness some of your unused fannish energy to help us name the servers! We're looking for fitting fannish names which will celebrate the wonderful fannish community and creativity the servers will host.
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AO3 Server naming festival: nominations post!

ETA: Nominations are now closed. Thanks for your suggestions! Watch this space for the opportunity to vote on the final picks!

Server naming festival! Nominate names for our new servers here!

You can suggest just one name, or you can submit a full set of seven names (maybe with a theme!). Optionally, you can give a short explanation of why the name[s] would fit / where they come from. This would be particularly appreciated if the name is drawn from a less well-known source, particularly if it is a source not in English (we would LOVE some names from sources not in English and our nominations panel will be international, but sources in languages other than English are harder to research).

There are seven machines to be named- please let us know which machine you would like the name to go to. You can see their full details in Meet the Machines - in your entry please use the short names below:

  • DB

  • Rails1

  • Rails2

  • Original1

  • Original2

  • Storage

  • Switch

You can submit names in the following ways:

Nomination format

Nominations should be in the following format:

Name - Machine - Other optional comments / source

For example:

Elsie - DB - She was the best sister in 'What Katy Did', and the cleverest!

For more details see our post on the Server naming festival!