February 1st, 2011


January 2011 Newsletter, Volume 45

Welcome to the OTW's fourth term! Below the cut, you'll find our January newsletter, with information about our committees and their goals for 2011.

Read more... )

Mirrored from an original post at the OTW Blog.

Links Roundup for February 1, 2011

Here's a roundup of recent stories that might be of interest to fans.

* The New York Times ran a skeptical editorial upon hearing that the Conan Doyle Estate has commissioned a new, "authorized" Sherlock Holmes novel, since the Holmes stories are entirely out of copyright in the UK and mostly out of copyright in the U.S. As the article notes, "there is no reason why an 'official' 21st-century Holmes story will be any better...than an 'unofficial' one," and concludes, "We shudder to think what the Shakespeare Estate might be endorsing now."

* In Japan, the supreme court has ruled that a service which transfers TV to overseas viewers is illegal. This reverses earlier rulings that the service did not violate copyright law.

*Political remixer Jonathan McIntosh has put together an HTML5 video demo using Mozilla's Popcorn.js framework in order to create an annotated remix: that is, a version in which remixers can cite sources or add footnotes. McIntosh, who believes that a transparent citing of sources might strengthen fair use claims, also offering his code, skin, and design files to anyone who wants to use them.

We want your suggestions! If you know of an essay, video, article, event, or link you think we should know about you can submit it in three easy ways: comment on the most recent Link Roundup on LJ, IJ or DW, tag a link with "for:otw_news" on Delicious or give @OTW_News a shoutout on Twitter. Links are welcome in all languages!

Submitting a link doesn't guarantee that it will be included in a roundup post, and inclusion of a link doesn't mean that it is endorsed by the OTW.

Mirrored from an original post on the OTW Blog.b