October 14th, 2009


Announcing an anonymous challenge grant!

This post brings you a mid-week Hello! from the Development and Membership committee of the OTW and some exciting news!

An anonymous donor has come forward to offer a matching challenge grant of up to US$5000. That means that when you donate now, a contribution of equal value comes from a secret source and effectively doubles the impact of your giving. If you give US$10, it’s matched by another US$10 and the OTW receives a total of US$20. If you give US$50, you can opt to get an OTW sticker & iron-on pack AND your donation is still matched by another US$50, making the total impact of your donation US$100 for the OTW and a premium for you. Matching will continue cumulatively up to US$5000 of donations – US$5000 from you and other donors plus US$5000 in matches equals US$10000 in funds raised for the OTW, for hosting costs for the AOOO and Open Doors, and for future fannish projects not even imagined yet.

We’ll be posting regularly to our twitter account over the next few days to let y’all know how much of the challenge amount we’ve raised. You can subscribe to our twitter feed, or just check in to see the news, here: http://twitter.com/otw_news

Now is a great time to give if you haven’t done so yet, and a great time to give a little bit more if you can. We’d really like to raise all US$5000 needed to max out our challenge grant, and every donation helps!

The Development and Membership Committee of the OTW

This post is available in Español at the OTW blog.