September 23rd, 2009


Upcoming OTW Events: Membership Drive (October) and Election (November)

The OTW will be holding its next membership drive from October 11 to October 18, 2009. This is important for many reasons (not least of which is our continued need for your support!) but please note that should we happen to have a contested OTW Board election this November (i.e. more declared candidates than open seats), you must be a member of the OTW in good standing by October 18, 2009. That means you need to have made a membership donation of at least US$10 in the last year, or since October 19, 2008.

You can, of course, become an OTW member at any time, and we will always accept your donations! But if you’re not a member and want the option to vote in a potential election, please be sure to join the OTW before the end of our October drive.

Visit the OTW Elections website.

This post is mirrored from an original post on the OTW Blog and is available in Deutsch & Español.