September 21st, 2009


Cinema Journal Puts Fandom in the Spotlight

The Summer, 2009 issue of Cinema Journal features a section on fandom in general and vidding in particular edited by TWC's Kristina Busse and featuring a number of members of TWC's editorial board. (Yes, that's a shot from Lim's "Us" on the cover!) The issue is currently being mailed to subscribers, but eventually will be online at JStor and available through academic search engines in libraries and such.

In Focus: Fandom and Feminism
Gender and the Politics of Fan Production

"Introduction," by Kristina Busse
"A Fannish Taxonomy of Hotness," by Francesca Coppa
"A Fannish Field of Value: Online Fan Gift Culture," by Karen Hellekson
"Should Fan Fiction Be Free?" by Abigail De Kosnik
"User Penetrated Content: Fan Video in the Age of Convergence," by Julie Levin Russo
"Living in a Den of Thieves: Fan Video and Digital Challenges to Ownership," by Alexis Lothian

Edited to add: Not sure for how long this file will be available, but the "In Focus" section can currently be found on the SCMS website here.

Mirrored from an original post on the OTW Blog.