June 3rd, 2009


TWC Editor Karen Hellekson Talks About Research Ethics on fandomresearch.org

Karen Hellekson, co-editor of Transformative Works and Cultures, has a guest post on Fandom Research, a new blog which aims to be "a clearing-house for surveys, questionnaires, theses, dissertations, and other research pertinent to the active field of fandom studies." Karen's post is called, "Fandom research methods," and deals not only with academic standards like those of university or college institutional review boards (IRB) or The Association of Internet Researchers but also about fannish community standards for personal privacy: when its appropriate to quote, whether a LiveJournal or blog post is "public" or not, etc. Aca-fans and other fandom researchers and fanthropologists should check out both the post and this site.

Mirrored from an original post on the OTW Blog.