March 19th, 2009


Thanks To Everyone!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the OTW's recent membership drive: by posting about the drive or about the org, by sharing one of our awesome lolcats, and most especially by donating. It will take a few days for the last promised donations to clear, and then your humble DevMem team will take a few days off to decompress, but we hope to post soon with some nifty statistics and graphics so that you can share our glee.

A few folks contacted us late in the drive to say, "I'm not able to donate now, but I hope to have the money to donate sometime soon -- can I still donate after the drive is over?" The answer is yes! Our formal March 2009 membership drive has ended, which means we'll stop proclaiming the awesomeness of the OTW quite so loudly from the rooftops, but you can support the OTW with a donation at any time.

Thanks for being a part of the OTW!

The Development/Membership Committee of the OTW: Carla, Elizabeth, Ignaz, Monica, Rachel, Shoshanna, and Vera

Mirrored from an original post on the OTW Blog.