The Lobby - The OOC Community for One True Roxbury

Recent Entries

10/8/09 10:38 am - [info]roxburymods

Someday the novelty of making mod posts will wear off, I swear.

I know we've been super lack about the normal functions of RPGs. But we're going to focus more on getting the game ready for widespread release. So there are a couple things we need.

First off, go to the contact info page and set up an entry for yourself. Even if you have your info in your app and your journal (which we encourage), you need to be listed there.

Then go to the taken page and make sure all information for your character is correct, all links work, you like the pictures we picked, etc. If there are any problems, please leave a comment on the post.

That's the important stuff you have to do.

Now for the important stuff we'd like you to do. Check out pages like jobs, premise, rules, and FAQ and tell us what you think. We would love to hear your input. Especially on the important things like the premise. The most important thing to remember is RP is about telling a story together, and we want an environment that will allow that.

please drop us a comment once you've read this, so we know that you have.

9/21/09 10:41 pm - [info]roxburymods


So, some of you guys know that we're in the mood to do a plot here. It will last for ten posts, unless we get a request for an extension (Why do it by post size? 1/4 of the game is on hiatus).

Basically, no character speaks or writes the same language as another character. The words spoken, thought, and written by one character will seem to be total gibberish to another. All promotions and signs that belong to the Bar or Hotel will be legible, since they were written by the owner, but even old notes will be the same unintelligable when read during these posts.

I know a post limit is a little odd, but if we get to nine or ten and people want more, the limit will be happily raised. Same if we have two and everybody decides the plot sucks.

Feedback is love, please keep us posted as far as how you like any and all aspects of this little experiment.

7/28/09 04:30 pm - [info]roxburymods

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