Mona & PT, the OTP of DOOOOOOM!'s Journal
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Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

    Time Event
    Fic: Nothing More Dangerous
    Fandom: Supernatural/Stargate: Atlantis
    Authors: [info]mona1347 & [info]poisontster
    Pairing: Ronon/Dean
    Rating: Adult
    Warnings: Graphic m/m sex. Language. Underage (sorta).
    Spoilers: None. AU; set prior to Sateda's fall.
    Word Count: 1,744
    AN: Part of the Sateda!Dean universe. In preparation for the actual arc that Mona and I will someday write, we decided to write little vignettes to explore the relationship between Dean and Ronon "pre-series". This is, theoretically, the first of those vignettes.

    It starts easy. )

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