Mona & PT, the OTP of DOOOOOOM!'s Journal
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Monday, February 19th, 2007

    Time Event
    The Ice is Thin
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: Adult
    Warnings: Graphic m/m incest. Language.
    Spoilers: For "Devil's Trap"
    Word Count: 2,112
    AN: Written just after the US broadcast of "Devil's Trap"; now AU. cut for rambling )

    The ice is thin come on dive in
    Underneath my lucid skin
    The cold is lost, forgotten
    Hours pass days pass time stands still
    Light gets dark and darkness fills
    My secret heart forbidden

    I think you worried for me then
    The subtle ways that I’d give in but I know
    You liked the show
    Tied down to this bed of shame
    You tried to move around the pain but oh
    Your soul is anchored

    The only comfort is the moving of the river
    You enter into me, a lie upon your lips
    Offer what you can, I’ll take all that I can get
    Only a fool’s here

    I don’t like your tragic sighs
    As if your God has passed you by…

    ~ "Ice," Sarah McLachlan

    Everything else is wounds that go too deep. )

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