8th July 2015

[info]orlas in [info]otiumrpg

Who: Orla Reeves and Molly Weasley.
What: Molly gets Orla stoned, yo. A sight for the ages.
When: Around 2:50 PM | November 7th, 2027. Just before the footy stuff happens because y’all know you want to see her try and play stoned.
Where: Quidditch Pitch.
SFW?: Probably.
Status: Complete.

Take another, baby duck. And then you can tell me why you're having such a good week, k? )

[info]easterlygale in [info]otiumrpg

Who: Easton Cooper & Nova Rundlett
What: Hiding from the world, tbh.
When: Wednesday, November 8th; evening, shortly after the Whisper Witch article was posted
Where: One of the greenhouses
SFW?: Sort of? See below.
Warnings: Mentions of suicide and suicidal ideation
Status: Incomplete.

now don't lose your fight, kid; it only takes a little push to pull on through. with so much left to do, you'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you. )