Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Intro post!

Hi everyone!  I'm Christa, and I'm new to the game.  :)  I'm bringing in Melanie Platt, who will hopefully become involved in some crazy evilness in the near future.

Melanie is a young woman (Gryffindor class of '90) who spent several years of her post-Hogwarts life as a dragon hunter, traveling a lot and seeing the world.  She was really good at it, but about two years ago a hunting party went horribly wrong and she wound up too shaken by the experience to continue.  So for the past few years she's been hopping from job to job every few months, moving on when she gets sick of the current one.  Essentially, she's just not happy with the way her life has been going at all, and is looking for something that gives her the thrill her former occupation did.  Thus why she will likely take an interest in getting involved in the Moirae, either to put her skills to use or to pick up some new ones - if there's one thing she loves, it's learning.

Personality-wise, she is fairly approachable, direct, and observant.  Melanie puts up a good front of being satisfied, and hides her true nature well.  It's served her well at her current job as a shop-girl at a high-end clothier, where dealing with demanding customers is not always easy to do with a smile. 

Plot-wise, biggest things I'm hoping to do are get her involved with Bellatrix's 'people', and she'll probably be looking for a new job soon as she is tired of Hyde and Pelting's.  It's likely that she could be easily swayed by either side, as she's fairly vulnerable right now and always wants in on the Next Big Opportunity. 

More detailed info can be found HERE.  Can't wait to play with you all!  :)
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Monday, January 11th, 2010

I <3 TOS;


Jessi here, bringing the game yet another character, this time in the form of Owen Gibbon of 1981!

He is an impeccably mannered gentleman, a seducer, a dandy, Slytherin class of 1971, and one of the few Death Eaters to never be labeled as such in his time. He's still grumpy that the Dark Lord is not currently around, but still believes he will show his face soon. As far as Death Eaters go, those who are his contemporaries may or may not know he is one (it would depend if he worked missions with them or not, really, since there's the whole masks thing), but people from '01 would know him as a Death Eater because one of his comrades in arms accidentally killed him in Hogwarts after Draco's cabinetry craftyness. Woe. In his time here in the New World, job-relatedly, he's convinced his dopple to start up O Antiquities and Trifles and has taken up the operations of it almost entirely due to his dopple!self being sickly on and off (Owen is poisoning him slowly).

and so on )

There are a few points in his history that involve other in-play characters, specifically the Black sisters and those who married them. With the sisters, it's all one-sided, obviously, and if, for example, the school-age rivalry with Lucius isn't a wanted backstory, I can spin that as one-sided as well!

Along with Owen, I have Lily and Maximilian, so plot for any of them is super shiny. You can reach me at princessjessia@gmail.com at any time for plotting, thread/log requests, game squee and so forth! I also have AIM [ my kingdom as ], but I'm rarely on it. Alternatively, if you need a quick way that isn't email, there is a CONTACT POST (unscreened) in his journal and an ACTIVITY POST (screened, thread requests can be made there) in Lily's journal.

ETA: His first entry is up!
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Monday, January 4th, 2010

HELLO MY LOVELIES! Jessi here, presenting to you THE LONGEST HOLD EVERRR Dopple!Maximilian Vaisey!

Briefly, he's a Slytherin (class of 2000), formerly worked for his great-uncle at Borgin & Burke's and is now an Auror trainee and a bottom-level Moraie. He is one of a few Auror trainees who serve as Ministry-enforced "Security" at Hogwarts that was recently instituted (perhaps we'll say it went down during the Christmas holidays, to make it relevant? MODS, y/n?). The publicly-shared reasoning is the continued presence of the guests and the Ministry wanting to keep the future generations of wizarding kind safe, but really it's to serve as eyes and ears for Bellatrix inside the school. More information in Max can be found HERE.

As canon Max is deceased, for those with characters who would have known that version, just a small bit about him: he was raised by his parents, so he became BFFs with Astoria Greengrass and was somewhere between outgoing and solitary, in terms of social interactions (general considered a likeable enough person by those he was friendly with), and a loyal and protective friend to those closest to him (which I'm happy to sort out of anyone thinks their canon character would have been). He was definitely of purist leanings and a bit idealistic (it's one of the reasons he ran back to fight and die on the DE's side when most of his house was being evacuated from Hogwarts). Ultimately, he would be a softer, more likeable version of dopple!Max. If there are any questions regarding how one was versus the other, let me know!

And, along with Maximilian, I still have Lily, so plot for either of them is super shiny. You can reach me at princessjessia@gmail.com at any time for plotting, thread/log requests, game squee and so forth! I also have AIM [ my kingdom as ], but I'm rarely on it. Alternatively, if you need a quick way that isn't email, there is a CONTACT POST (unscreened) in his journal and an ACTIVITY POST (screened, thread requests can be made there) in Lily's journal.
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Monday, December 28th, 2009

'ello darlings!

Bee here with her final kiddo: the famous and fabulous Cassiopeia Malfoy. She's a spoilt little rich girl and Slytherin. Cassie's the youngest of three and the only Lestrange/Malfoy girl so she gets extra spoilt. Yeps. She's turning 17 on New Years eve, cause I didn't get he in in time, so be prepared for her being demanding. Anyway, her fave brother's gonna be Draco, though she adores Neville and likely bugs both of them all of the time! She is a dopple, so most of the New People won't know her, and she's not all that keen on knowing them. Especially if mummy and daddy say no.

She insists on plots with all Malfoys and Lestranges; kthanks!
And if you're bored the rest of mine could use more XD
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I'm Max and here is my very first character for this rpg! I've rped for years but this is my first time in a long time and my first time using journals. I can't wait to get started. I hope I do okay

Introducing, Dylan Cross, I hope you like her, and feel free to apply to play any of her family member's or her on-again-off-again boyfriend! She is a Doppler! original character, and is the middle child in a line of well-to-do purebloods who are very focused on serving the Dark Lady. She is in her last year of school and is unsure about where she's heading next, she's not even sure she wants to be a Moraie like her family have raised her to aspire to. She's a bit mischievous and can be vain and judgemental but she is also very loyal and kind to her friends.

If any of your male characters would like to be the on-again-off-again-boyfriend of Dylan's, that would be great. It's hard trying to have this semi-significant other in her life with no name! They are currently not dating, but they probably will get back together again, and then break up again. :)

Anything else you need to know can be found in her bio on her journal. My AIM is vegasvalentine13 so add me and let's plot!

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Hii, it's Amy (again) with characters #3 and #4. Meg Carrow and Elizabeth Nott.

Megaera Carrow: She's the child of Alecto Carrow and Rabastan Lestrange, and it's Meg rather than Megaera. Only her mother and briefly her father actually used Megaera and only when she was in trouble. She's a good mix of both her parents but more heavily her mother due to being raised by her. She's got quite the temper and uses it most of the time back home on the Quidditch arena playing for the Harpies. Her full info can be found here at [info]crossingevil.

Elizabeth Nott neè Moon: She's Theodore Nott's mother, the canon version. She's an elitist to the full T and expects nothing less than that from her little teddy who she sadly left back home. She can be very subtle about her anger, and is quite hard to get to accept change. She's definitely one of those pureblood mother's that would expect her son to look down on anything but that, and will be difficult on anyone who likes him, and he in turn likes. No one could be good enough for her little Teddy. Her full info can be found here at [info]nottmoon.

I'm open to all sorts of plots! My aim is massacredolls if you ever want to ping me.
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Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Just a heads up (since I've been really not here and I suck because of it, boo!) ... exams are done, and I'll probably be back here around the 27th! I know I didn't give a day before so you're finally getting it. I think it's a safe day, I'll probably be around the 26th but super tired and all that jazz. Being back at home = mega busy.

BUT FOR NOW, I'd like you guys to clog up my e-mails with anything that might pertain to Luna.. please? Unless someone wants to give me a run-down of what's happened in basically the last month? Also welcome NEW PEOPLE! I need to go check out the cast list and such, but if you have anyone Luna might know and be friends/enemies with, reply here? Thanks!

PS I'm Steff if anyone's forgotten ;)
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Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

better late than never, y/y?

HOT SNAP THIS IS WAY LATE WOW. Anyway this is Megan (Kaylee) with bells on. Sleepy bells.

FIRSTLY, I am so on a Christmas hiatus, wow. And have been, but was so out of it I... didn't actually tell anyone. Whoopsy daisy. I will be back after Christmas MOST LIKELY, but possibly a few days after the weekend or sooo. We shall see~. I will TRY TRY to play while on hiatus, though, so. You know. It may just be a partial hiatus.

SECONDLY, OH HEY, LOOK, IT'S A CANON BELLATRIX. From pre-Voldemort fall in 1981. I'm not going to even try to explain her in a couple of sentences because with my brain it would likely be chalked up to "she's awesome and shit", so. Her info is here!

My AIM is theoryofillusion, though if I don't, like, respond to an IM IT'S NOT BECAUSE I HATE YOU OR ANYTHING, I just tend to go "... buh." at IMs, so. ♥s and happy holidays!
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Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Hey everyone,

I'm Chris and I'm apparently an RP junkie, but those who know me know that already.

This is Dopple!Draco. He is a lot different than I have gotten to play him so I am more than happy to do it. Draco is still rich and spoiled, but he likes to get his hands dirty. He is Aunt Bella's apothecary, can brew all sorts of nasty stuff for their needs, and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty in the form of hits for the cause.

He still has fine taste, and can be perfectly charming but he is always plotting.

His info can be found here.

So, plottage, exes, flings, enemies? Feel free to hit me up at manicgrey if you need me for anything. It works on both AIM and Y!M.

Glad to be here,
Chris ;)
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Hello, all! Alex here again, bringing to you, yet another, lovely character.

Now, on top of Dopple!Harry, I have 01!Daphne Greengrass.

Daphne is the epitome of the modern pureblood socialite. She's self-centered, materialistic, cunning, and high maintenance. Daphne throws parties, travels with her close friends, and had every intention of living at home while finding the perfect husband. Then, she realized she needed a little more space and found her own little manor in the countryside. That was lovely, until she ended up in this other world.

Since, she's arrived, Daphne has successfully manipulated her way from an assistant secretary to a member of the International Confederation of Wizards to the personal secretary in a matter of months. She's very good at her job and is able to strong arm her way through the offices to get her job done. When she isn't working, she's doing what she can to  make this strange new world work for her.

She's neutral, and does what she can to make sure she can climb her way to the top. Like many Slytherins, she may be your friend one day, but the next, she may be your enemy.

If you're interested in plotting, IM me at yaykebab or email at mademoiselledor@aim.com
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Sorry, I've always wanted to do that. It makes me feel like a rock-star which is something that I drastically need today. We've got about 4 feet of snow, where I am, and it's a bit hard to feel rockstarish when you've been stuck inside all day. My name is Rachel. Some of you might remember me from before, under a different character, ~evlily, as one of the original mods. I had to drop off the internet world for a bit for real life stuff, but for those of you who don't know me... Here's a little bit of background about me -- I'm a sophmore in university, studying nursing. I feel like I need to put that out there so that when I sign on, stressed the hell out and going on about an anatomy and physiology final, you'll know a bit of where I'm coming from and know it's not you.

NOW, onto my girl here. Faced by the lovely Natalie Portman, I bring you all the one and only Hermione Granger! Well, technically speaking, Hermione Granger-Weasley, but that just doesn't flow as nicely. She's coming from 2001 with the other Second War Alum. As to what she's been up to? Well, considering she's been here, technically speaking, since August, and I've been here, since, well, today, she's pretty much just been keeping out of trouble, on the DL and not using that fancy newfangled journal thing that she got dropped off with.

I'm on EST, but that probably doesn't mean a whole lot since I have the WEIRDEST hours ever. I'm a waitress at a sports bar, so I tend to not be awake until 12 or so and then awake until five or so. So, if you're on late, you'll probably spy me hanging around on my AIM mrs dr horrible. Use it and abuse it, please and thank-you. That's the easiest way to contact me, although, I do have a screened contact post in this journal in case we happen to miss each other and all that.

Now, since I've moved the friends page down a rather significant amount -- who wants plot, where is Hermione needed and what other good stuff can you lot throw my way? :)
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Thursday, December 17th, 2009

Greetings again. Dragon with second muse, Roger Davies. Canon version, that is, and just like canon, is pure player. Captain and chaser for Tutshill Tornadoes, and quite liberal in spending his time with a different lady every time he's seen. (Seriously, check the books again, Only time was mentioned with the same girl twice was Fleur. Think he switched girlfriends at Madam Puddifoots when Harry and Cho had a date there.)

Friends? Enemies? Frenemies? Past or future flings? Beuller?
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Hi everyone! It's Lissa with Alice Longbottom.

I gotta go do more dishes fast so this intro is gonna be short. There's more info in her journal, though. (I do need to go through and delete some journal entries, so I'll be doing that later.)

Basically, Alice is the same age as the marauders which means she's 21 and from 1981. She has her one year old son with her. She was known in school for studying a lot, but that doesn't mean she likes it. She was just working hard because she wanted to be an auror. She's opinionated but at the same time she's a bleeding heart. She'll befriend just about anyone, with the exception of most Slytherins and she'll help anyone who needs it regardless of who they are.

So plotting? I'm always up for it.

I demand plot with Andy, by the way.

Just saying.

Edit: Just for the record, I do intend to demand plot with Sarai as well but I'll do that when she's back from hiatus. Oh and I demand plot with Jessi too cause she stalked my hold request <3.
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Lauren with my third character, please welcome Dopple!Nott Sr, better known as Theodore Constantine Nott III, Con to his friends. Con is the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, widower, and devoted father to his son Theo. He's also got another son he doesn't know about from an affair with Pansy Parkinson, whom he still is in love with.

He's a politician, charismatic and his PB is totes smexy. He also changes his opinions like the wind based on popular opinion.

So? Questions? Comments? Plottage? Just stare at Anderson Cooper and drool?
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