Friday, February 5th, 2010

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been practically nonexistant over the last ... I don't even know how long. Between loosing my mother-in-law in October, the holidays, another family death and the hospitalization of my grandmother, not to mention the opening of two games that I mod, I haven't had the time I had originally thought I would have for this game.

With that being said, I'm going to pull my kids out and give someone who has the proper time to devote to the game a chance to play them. It was fun while it lasted.

(Regulus, Emmeline and Harry.)
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Monday, December 28th, 2009


Sorry I've been a bit MIA but the hols took a lot out of me and things are still a little bit crazy around the house and I'm running on practically no sleep. Not to mention the Nentindo Wii has been sucking up major at home time. >.< I should be back in the swing of things in the next couple of days, so look out for new threads/journals from my trio of insanity. :)
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