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Intro post! [19 Jan 2010|05:01pm]
Hi everyone!  I'm Christa, and I'm new to the game.  :)  I'm bringing in Melanie Platt, who will hopefully become involved in some crazy evilness in the near future.

Melanie is a young woman (Gryffindor class of '90) who spent several years of her post-Hogwarts life as a dragon hunter, traveling a lot and seeing the world.  She was really good at it, but about two years ago a hunting party went horribly wrong and she wound up too shaken by the experience to continue.  So for the past few years she's been hopping from job to job every few months, moving on when she gets sick of the current one.  Essentially, she's just not happy with the way her life has been going at all, and is looking for something that gives her the thrill her former occupation did.  Thus why she will likely take an interest in getting involved in the Moirae, either to put her skills to use or to pick up some new ones - if there's one thing she loves, it's learning.

Personality-wise, she is fairly approachable, direct, and observant.  Melanie puts up a good front of being satisfied, and hides her true nature well.  It's served her well at her current job as a shop-girl at a high-end clothier, where dealing with demanding customers is not always easy to do with a smile. 

Plot-wise, biggest things I'm hoping to do are get her involved with Bellatrix's 'people', and she'll probably be looking for a new job soon as she is tired of Hyde and Pelting's.  It's likely that she could be easily swayed by either side, as she's fairly vulnerable right now and always wants in on the Next Big Opportunity. 

More detailed info can be found HERE.  Can't wait to play with you all!  :)
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