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Tony - Fifteen years in the future. [04 Sep 2009|03:35pm]

One thing could be said about Tampa was that it didn't fuck around. Alexandra hadn't been kidding when she'd said she had 6 brothers and sisters. There was a house and a gaggle of Bartletts, and absolutely no way to describe life.

They were bringing the last of their kids home from the hospital today and, despite the fact that she'd now done this five times, Tony was still acting like she was going to break or something.

"Tony," she said, laughing, completely exasperated. "I'm okay."
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Jamie and Howard: Five Years Into the Future [31 Aug 2009|01:06am]

New Years Eve, five years down the line

Howard and Jamie had debated how to spend their New Years, but in the end decided they’d actually attend the party filled with most of Jamie’s co-workers. Spending a quiet evening at home, while a tempting option, might end in the same way it had last year. They’d gotten distracted from time and were still actively engaged in the bedroom when the count down began. It wasn’t until fireworks started going off and the neighbors began shouting that they realized they’d missed the turn of the year. After laughing over it and hopping into a quick shower (that ended up not being so quick) they stumbled into some clothing and Howard teleported them one time zone over, where they actually managed to catch the count down.

This year they weren’t nearly as distracted. They were being social and having a great time, while still drifting in and out of their own little world. Howard would swear he wasn’t using his powers, but sometimes it felt like time was drifting slowly. He was living right now, in this very moment, instead of creeping into the future. Right now Jamie was vibrant, all dark hair and teasing smiles. He’d just turned 35. Five more years down the line and Howard knew that the streaks of grey would start at his temples and look incredibly dashing on him. Howard had managed to change since they first met. He looked older now, not nearly close to his true age, or as old as he’d ever looked, but he did look less like a student and closer to Jamie’s age.

They still made a charming picture together. There might have been bumps along the road for the happy couple, but most of them were tangled in issues from their personal pasts or the meddling of magic, and never how they felt about each other. That never changed. It’d taken no time at all for them to fall, fast and hard, and years later it was still a rush.

Howard normally dreaded growing older and feared that Venturus’ old ways would catch up with him. Now? He had the ultimate distraction.

“Half hour until midnight,” Howard murmured into Jamie’s ear. He plucked the drink from his hand and set it on a table. A slow song was playing, and it was one of those moments when it didn’t matter if anyone else was in the room. “Dance with me?”
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RR FUTURE: Reepicheep finally shows up and meets Gregori [29 Aug 2009|10:54pm]

Who: Greg and Byron (Reincarnation of Reepicheep)
When: A little while down the line
Where:The Dawn Treader
What: Byron finds Greg’s ship. Greg meets Byron. Reunite!

It's you. )

Who: Greg and Byron
When: Day after they first met
Where:The Dawn Treader
What: Babbling at each other, smiling more than possibly be healthy, heartfelt bursting.

Feels like I've known you forever, and I've just been waiting to find you again. Even if I never knew it. )
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Ty -6 Months From Now, New Zealand Trip [16 Aug 2009|06:53pm]

Four days into the trip Price and Ty had hiked a decent distance from where they'd started and set up a permanent campsite. They were still exploring the area around them, but at days end they generally crashed around the fire or retired to the tent. Price was pleasantly worn by this point, but he didn't complain. He knew that Ty would have the advantage out here with his enhanced physicality. Part of him was wondering how intensely they'd need to climb or hike before his powers wore down. Also, would Price be able to keep up in order to satisfy that curiosity?

No matter. If Ty realized he was hypothesizing he'd probably shove him into a stream. Best to stick to normal male bonding and leave it at that.

Bonding for today involved rock climbing, and then hiking their way back down. Everything was going fine so far.

"Should we start heading down soon?" Price asked when they stopped for a rest.
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TY - 6 Months From Now [14 Aug 2009|07:53pm]

Price glanced out the small airplane window and then turned to glance at Ty. His friend was still conked out in his seat. It was probably for the best. The captain was bound to announce where they were landing soon, and he could prolong the suspense a little longer if Ty stayed asleep. After a twelve hour flight Ty was still blindfolded. Price was pretty amazed the plan had worked this long.

It helped that he'd sprung for first class seats, knowing that Ty would complain less if comfortable. The flight attendants were very accommodating and happy to play along. It seemed that Ty was all the more appealing in his blindfolded state, since the one attending to them had flirted shamelessly while making sure Ty had everything he needed. Price refused to tell him whether or not the woman was attractive.

Price was glad that security hadn't bothered to stop them in the airport. He'd hoped that people would assume his friend just had an eye condition, because the explanation: 'my friend is taking me somewhere, and I don't know where, thus I'm blindfolded and he won't let me listen to the gate information' sounded pretty damn suspicious.

Luckily, they wouldn't have to deal with that on the way back. Twelve hours down, most of which Ty had just managed to sleep away. They were about to land in New Zealand. This little stunt seemed pretty successful.

The fasten seat-belt sign lit up while the captain rattled off landing information. Price noticed Ty stirring in his seat. He reached over, grabbing the ends of his seat-belt, and went to buckle Ty back in.
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GAGE - (A few days after thread with Nina) [09 Aug 2009|03:08am]

Price probably should have met with Gage sooner or contacted him over the journal system. He'd tracked him down early on but never got around to meeting face to face. The problem was, he just wasn't sure what to say to him.

On Thursday Gage had an afternoon shoot, which meant he had time to go to the Arches Complex for a cup of coffee beforehand. If he arrived at the usual time before an afternoon shoot he had an hour and a half to eat, unwind, and run any errands for the day. Price arrived fifteen minutes after Gage, which was enough time for Gage to get his coffee and have a few bites of his breakfast before interruption. Price headed over to the table that he knew Gage would likely be at. He tossed a magazine down onto the table before sitting across from him. The magazine was opened to the centerfold. It displayed Gage in extremely clingy boxer-briefs, lounging sensuously across the entire spread.

Price looked at him, no longer bothered by the fact that he hadn't tracked Gage down sooner. "Seriously?" he asked.

Maybe that was all he really needed to say.
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GAGE [09 Aug 2009|02:54am]

Nina never intended to be away from Tampa for as long as she'd been, but unfortunate circumstances had come up. After her trip to Greece she'd come home, only to have to fly up to New England to be with her family. Her mother, the biological one, had run into medical problems, which meant Nina had been back and forth between Tampa and Massachusetts more times than she could count over the past seven months. Fortunately everything had finally turned around. Nina's mother had gone from on the mend to full recovery. By July 27th Nina was back in Tampa on a permanent basis and back at her job, settling into routines rather happily.

Nina really couldn't ask for more. Health, happiness... Well, maybe there was one other thing she needed to straighten out before she could consider everything settled.

She didn't call ahead before showing up at Gage's place. It wouldn't normally matter, but Nina was aware of the fact that since she'd left she considered their relationship more open than usual. She had, after all, encouraged Gage to continue dating while he still could. He was a young, attractive man, and if she didn't let him get it out of his system now she's end up strangling him later down the road. Not calling ahead meant that one of these days she might just show up to find Gage already occupied for the evening.

Fortunately, tonight wasn't that night.

"Hey there, stranger," Nina said, stepping inside once he'd opened the door. "Am I interrupting your beauty sleep?"
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Ben [09 Aug 2009|02:20am]

Gordon somehow managed to behave himself this once. Since moving was actually a decently important decision he told Ben about the new place instead of just kidnapping and dragging him there. He even promised to let him pack leisurely, and offered to help with anything else, such as forwarding the mail, boxing things up, picking up new bedsheets...

He had patience. Gordon-level patience.

So, of course, when they went to bring over some boxes and spend a night at the new place Gordon could barely stop himself from climbing all over Ben with excitement. He watched his boyfriend look around the rooms, getting an eye for the place. If he kept his distance by a few feet he wouldn't interrupt Ben's investigation.

"Does it work?" Gordon finally asked. "Comfortable?"
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Future Event - locked to Nina [08 Aug 2009|07:53pm]

"Nina?" Sophus exclaimed, sounding both delighted and surprised. "I haven't seen you in ages." It had to have been at least a couple of years. "Not that anyone could tell looking at you." He smiled.
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Future Event - locked to Archer [08 Aug 2009|07:49pm]

He'd promised himself he'd leave Tampa. And then he just never really got around to it. It grew on you, the craziness. And every Spring saw an influx of young and pretty things which made everything more bearable.

He still missed Alanna sometimes though. Much as he had at times disliked her, she'd still been family.

That might be the reason he'd made a detour so he'd pass by her old place on the way home. With take-away in one hand. On foot because the weather was nice and the sky beautiful.
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[05 Aug 2009|11:50pm]

Who: Ty and Price
Where: Price’s place
When: 7/27
What: Male bonding, mild freaking, healing, and boys being stupid boys

If I tell you to lighten up are you going to glare at me? )
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Patricia - 7/27 [03 Aug 2009|10:04pm]

Archer wasn't sure what the day's seven was supposed to bring, other than the end to chaos, or the return of reincarnate memories. He wouldn't have guessed that happiness and positivity was the theme. After speaking with Alanna he ended up at Patricia's home. Perhaps he should have waited to see her. Had he honestly given up too easily? When he saw Patricia his doubts and fears began to slowly dissipate. While he didn't know for certain where they were going, or where they stood right now, he did know that Patricia was beautiful. She was soothing. She was very different, but he wanted to keep his promise to her, even if meant bending others.

For the time being he just really didn't want to think about everything that had gone wrong.

"Would you come out with me?" Archer asked when Patricia opened the door. "I know its late for a drive, but I'd like to go somewhere, and I was hoping... would you you join me?"
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Future Event: At Eden and Hugh's Wedding [03 Aug 2009|09:34pm]

Leo had been surprised to receive the wedding invitation, but he probably shouldn't have been. When it came to the new pantheon Hugh was one of the most pleasant and friendly members. Perhaps if he was one of the ones that chose to stick around for the long haul Leo would actually start considering him family. Not that Hades had been very friendly when his former pantheon had been family.

As the wedding reception dwindled to an end Leo went looking for the bride and groom. He found Hugh first while he was saying goodbyes.

"Congratulations," Leo said again. He shook the man's hand and then gave him an envelope. "I realize you'll be opening most of the wedding presents after the honeymoon, but take a look at this before you go." He clapped Hugh on the shoulder. "And have a wonderful honeymoon, and a wonderful everything, Hugh."
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[Backdated to last seven - Godhood - locked to Leo] [31 Jul 2009|09:52pm]

She'd just decided that it was time to get something tpo drink and then go to bed. Her head was full, there was no more room for Latin terms and complex limb manipulation. She got of off her futon and went into the kitchen to get a drink.

She sipped the coke slowly and did her best not to think about the fact that her final test was coming up next week. Make it or break it, - and we all know what you do best. She sighed and put the can down on the table before heading to the bathroom. She needed to pee.

And then she didn't. Because this wasn't her bathroom.

"Fuck," she breathed. She could feel the room around her as if it was part of her somehow. And that wasn't all. She could feel the edges of her mind, her consciousness. And just beyond it, she could feel others. She reached out, mentally, to the closest person that felt familiar. The duck-guy. A wordless help. Because this made no sense at all.
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[27 Jul 2009|07:03pm]

Placeholder for happy ending for Marisa and Prescott.
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[27 Jul 2009|07:01pm]

Placeholder for a happy beginning-of-the-end for Zack and Shep.
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Aaron [27 Jul 2009|11:35am]

Elliot woke slowly, trying to figure out why he couldn't remember falling asleep. It had apparently gotten dark in the Too dark. He tried to lift a hand, frowning when it came in contact with some sort of material. In fact the material seemed to be everywhere. He took a deep breath, trying not to panic.

A few minutes of struggling and he finally managed to mostly free himself, though looking around didn't make him feel much better. His lower body was still in a...bag? He stared down at it, then back at their surroundings. This had to be some sort of strange Tampa thing.
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Dahlia [Monday] [26 Jul 2009|11:23pm]

Johnny had been down for his nap about thirty minutes when the sound of a baby - a younger baby, and certainly not Johnny - came from his room. When Dahlia investigated she found Bobby, paying another visit from more than a few years forward, standing by the crib, an infant in his arms as he looked down on the sleeping child.

She'd barely had time to register him when a four-year old (or thereabouts) boy ran happily toward her, cuddling her shins hard, "Grandma!"

Bobby looked up, giving her a sheepish smile, "Hey, Bobby."
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Tommy [Monday] [26 Jul 2009|10:49pm]

Cameron had known for a while now that everything that happened on the seven was bs. He'd atoned for it as much as he could without turning himself into the cops but he was still beating himself up about it, not so easily distracted by his fiance's insanely good looks and attractiveness as he usually was, often lost in thought.

He still hadn't outright admitted to Tommy what had gone on, felt somehow like he'd be letting him down if he did. Tonight - again - they were curled on the couch watching TV and Cam, while tucked against him, wasn't in the least bit relaxed.
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JP [Monday] [26 Jul 2009|04:24pm]

They'd been halfway through breakfast when Chloe had darted from the table and into the bathroom, bending double over the toilet.

She'd assured JP she was fine and said to go finish his breakfast. Freya didn't seem the least bit worried by the fact Mom was ill, kicking her feet happily under the table.

"The baby just probably doesn't like toast." She shrugged as JP returned.
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