A Community for Slashy Original Fiction's Journal
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Below are 11 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in A Community for Slashy Original Fiction's InsaneJournal:

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    Friday, September 25th, 2009
    3:41 pm
    One year's worth of original slash and original gen stories on power differences (2008-9)
    Cover for Transformation
    Here's a full list of the original slash and original gen stories I've posted/reposted/published in the past year that have dark settings (imprisonment, slavery, prostitution, or war), or feature servants or liegemen. As the boilerplate warning for all my stories puts it, "All of the stories feature love or respect, though sometimes it takes a while to get there."
    With one exception (marked below), all of these stories are available free online. If you'd like to buy an HTML e-book containing all of my writings as of April 2009 (700,000 words of fiction and 28 collections of fiction recommendations and nonfiction), visit Love in Dark Settings Omnibus. If there are any topics you prefer not to read about, be sure to read the warnings.
    If you prefer to browse by series or story cover, you can visit my home page. If you want to, you can Friend my blog or sign up for my updates e-mail list. Read more... )

    Rebirth. In the queendom of Yclau lies an underground royal prison that embraces the worst of the past and the best of the future. The Eternal Dungeon is old-fashioned in its equipment and ahead of its time in its treatment of prisoners, seeking to put their best welfare above all else. Torture is part of the process of assisting the prisoners.
    The High Seeker, Layle Smith, embodies this contradictory institution: a man of deadly impulses, the head torturer binds himself strictly by the dungeon's code of conduct. His efforts to maintain this delicate balance are altered, though, by the introduction into his life of Elsdon Taylor, a vulnerable prisoner who is coming to terms with his own darkness.
    This historical fantasy series explores dark aspects of erotic life and includes themes of gay love. But the series goes far beyond that by considering the deeper issues faced by all those who find that their friendships and desires are in conflict with their duties.
    Warnings. R. Male/male erotic attraction and male/male platonic feelings.
    "Do you have any questions?" the Seeker asked. "About the routine of the dungeon? The times you will be fed? The questions you will be asked? The instruments of torture I use?"

    Transformation. The Eternal Dungeon, a royal prison where criminals are transformed, has lost its leadership. The duty of returning the dungeon to normal falls on two Seekers (torturers) who are already burdened with their own problems. One Seeker is struggling to understand why an old love affair continues to gnaw at him. The other Seeker is faced with his greatest challenge: whether to risk that which is most precious to him in order to save his own abuser.
    Warnings. R. Male/male erotic attraction, male/male platonic feelings. E-book, with sample chapter online.
    It is considered embarrassing to be forced to admit that your primary tool for curing patients was developed by a group of torturers.

    Hell's Messenger. It had seemed for a while that the plan would work: a bold conspiracy by a group of idealistic prisoners and sympathetic guards to stop abuse at Mercy Prison. Then betrayal occurs, and Tyrrell finds himself in a new life prison, with new rules to be learned. No longer is he in a position of leadership; now he is surrounded by men who question his most fundamental values.
    He has new allies as well: fellow prisoners who like what they see in him, a healer who refuses to accept current conditions, and guards who may or may not provide the help that the prisoners desperately need. But Hell's messenger, Death, visits Compassion Prison, keeping his face hidden until it is almost too late for Tyrrell to recognize his touch.
    Friendship, erotic desire between men, and the costs of corruption and integrity are examined in this multicultural historical fantasy series, which is based on late Victorian prison life.
    Warnings. PG-13 for the first two novellas; R for the third. Male/male platonic feelings and male/male erotic attraction, with a dash of male/female erotic attraction.
    "'Sentenced to sixty lashes of the leaded whip. Sentence commuted to a transfer to Compassion Life Prison.'" Keeper raised his eyebrows. "That's the first time I've ever heard a transfer to this prison described as a commutation. We'll assume that that particular phrasing was meant as a joke."

    Bard of Pain. In the battle-weary lands of the Great Peninsula, only one fate is worse than being taken prisoner by the Lieutenant: being taken prisoner if you are the Lieutenant.
    As the world's most skilled torturer struggles with his change of fortune, he finds that his fate is intertwined with the destinies of an idealistic army commander, an affectionate prisoner, and a protégé who reveres the Lieutenant's art . . . but is on the wrong side of the conflict.
    This novella is part of The Three Lands, a fantasy series set in a multicultural world where conflicts over law and spirituality provide opportunities for friendship, and for betrayal.
    Warnings. PG-13 for violence. Male/male platonic feelings. Includes a booktrailer video. Now also available in free braille and DAISY editions.
    The beginning of the end for him (or so it seemed at the time) came in the moment that he stepped into the shadow of Capital Mountain and was assaulted by a stranger.

    Pleasure. Egon had a position that won him respect, friends who raised his spirits, and lovers who gave him pleasure. Then a man came into his life who would take all that away from him. If Egon was lucky.
    Warnings. R. Male/male erotic attraction.
    Halvar leaned forward; his eyes were the color of an arctic sky. "I am not a fool, Egon," he said softly, "so do not treat me as such.

    Re-creation. What can you give a slave who, by law, can own nothing?
    A 2008 holiday gift story for Dusk Peterson's readers.
    Warnings. PG-13. Male/male platonic feelings, with references to male/male erotic attraction and male/female erotic attraction.
    He could not leave this room without his father's permission. And he could not imagine going to his father and saying, "Please let me go gather moss so that my slave can have a proper New Year for once."

    Whipster. Michael is an ex-prostitute, which means that nobody in polite society wants anything to do with him. He believes that the only way to help other male prostitutes is to make their working conditions bearable. His friend Janus is an upper-class gentleman who believes that his duty to the gods requires him to fight against sexual immorality. Now Michael wants Janus to help him run a house of prostitution.
    Male friendship and gay love intertwine in this multicultural historical fantasy series based on the Edwardian Era, a time when society seemed as stable as ever, though it was about to be turned topsy-turvy.
    Warnings. R for subject matter. Male/male platonic feelings and male/male erotic attraction.
    It was when Michael's voice went flat and his face drained of expression that Janus would begin to worry.

    Princeling 1: Noble. In a world where war has lasted for generations, in which only the pitiless nobles who wage war hold power, and those who cannot fight must suffer or seek slow death . . . What would you do if you were a noble, and you lost the ability to fight?
    Warnings. PG-13. Male/male platonic feelings and male/female erotic attraction.

    Queue. Depositing money in the bank was always the worst problem.
    ¶ G. Male/male platonic feelings.
    He never talked to the mister about such matters, because he lived in fear that, if he made any complaints, the mister would tire of him.

    New recommendations of online writings, e-books, print books, and media have been posted at the following sites.
    Buried Treasure: Recommendations of Online Male Homoerotic Stories and Male Friendship Stories (and anything else that catches my interest).
    Homoerotic Historical Fiction Links.
    Masculinity, Crime, and Everyday Life in Victorian and Edwardian Times.
    Retrofuture: Visions of the Future, 1945-1975.

    True Tales: An Erotic E-zine of Masculinity and Power (adults only).

    Monday, October 27th, 2008
    6:13 pm
    One year's worth of original slash and original gen powerfic
    Cover for Blood Vow

    Here's a full list of the original slash and original gen stories I've posted/reposted in the past year that deal with BDSM/leather, have dark settings (imprisonment, slavery, war, or prostitution), or feature servants, liegemen, apprentices, or mentors. As the boilerplate warning for my stories puts it, "All of the stories feature love or respect, though sometimes it takes a while to get there."

    Links to the stories )

    Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
    3:11 pm
    Not sure anyone is still paying attention to this community, but I thought I’d post an issue I’ve been working on…

    Essentially, a character’s mother has a fairly… odd reaction to her son telling her he’s gay. She has a stereotyped and bigoted view of homosexuality (her typical image of a gay male is a drugged-out, homeless, criminal degenerate with possible pedophilic or other disturbing tendencies, and who probably has AIDS), and because her son is none of these things, she immediately assumes that it’s just a confused phase. He tells her it’s not, and he has a boyfriend. She demands to know who seduced her son into such degradation. He tells her it’s not degradation, but does tell her who his boyfriend is. She’s about to go off on how they must have tricked him, and they’re likely a horrible person, and they’ll get him killed or tricked into prostitution and several other things, when the name makes its way through the bigotry. It’s a boy who’s been her son’s best friend for years, whom she sees as a Good Boy, knows well, and trusts to the point of practically seeing him as a second son.

    I’m still ironing out the conversation after that, but her final conclusion is that, while she still thinks of other gays/bisexuals as degenerates, she thinks of her son and his boyfriend as, ‘not like that’ and ‘well, they’re different/respectable’ and whatnot, and anyone who says reacts negatively to them in front of her gets to deal with her repeated and heated insistence that her son and his boyfriend, ‘aren’t that sort at all.’

    My question is, given her prejudice before, is this a plausible reaction? I think it works, but it occurred to me that I’ve never seen or heard anyone react like this, reality or fiction. As an additional mention, her bigotry is far more founded on squick and stereotypes about ‘normal = good, abnormal = bad, and one sort of abnormal probably means all sorts of other nasty things as well’ than on any really religious grounds.

    Any input on how realistic/unrealistic it sounds?

    Current Mood: curious
    Tuesday, December 11th, 2007
    11:45 am
    True Tales - December 2007 issue: Military Men & Leathermen
    Links on the Military Men page have been added to stories by Ranger, Parhelion, and Marquesate that are set around the conflicts in World War One, World War Two, and the modern British army.

    Links on the Leathermen page have been added to bondage art that is an exercise in minimalism, an article about a bottom-man's efforts to overcome a phobia, and a video about power play that starts in a leather bar.

    Next year's theme will be Prisoners and Prison Officers. (Yes, the 2008 theme has changed. There have been some good stories coming out in this category recently.) Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions for links to gay erotic and non-erotic narrative nonfiction, fiction, narrative poetry, drama, book excerpts, blog entries, art, photography, videos, and audio. The links can be to your own works or anyone else's. Suggestions for links to military and leather works continue to be welcome.

    Link submission guidelines.
    Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
    3:17 pm
    Temptation Of Sin Ch1
    Title: Temptation of Sin
    Author: triceybabe_is_bestleftexposed aka [info]wl551 and [info]triceybabe
    Rating: nc17
    Original: Slash

    Summary: Azuma Rei is an assassin - ruthless, unapologetic... played me; after finishing his latest job, Rei runs into Father Peter Sumner as he is leaving the scene of the crime. (Father Peter is played by [info]wl551, of course. ^^) After forsaking his former life, Peter is content with his life as a priest, though he is still tormented by nightmares. A midnight stroll to clear his head brings him smack into a young man who changes everything.

    Temptation of Sin )

    You can find an illustration of these two here.... http://triceybabe.insanejournal.com/9208.html
    3:14 pm
    Title: Of Blood and Destiny
    Author: triceybabe_is_bestleftexposed aka [info]wl551 and [info]triceybabe
    Rating: nc17
    Original: Slash

    Disclaimer: This is our original story and characters - please don't even think about stealing them. (besides, they bite... hard!)

    A/N: I will be posting a chapter daily. Stay tuned to it. Of Blood and Destiny is an original rp adventure played by Triceybabe - Jin, and Best Left Exposed - Kuriin. This continuing saga is ongoing, but no worries, we're far enough ahead to keep updates fairly regularly. :) We both have fun playing with these guys, we hope you enjoy reading. :)

    (This chapter contains no warnings, but later chapters will have explicit sex and violence.)


    The thin stream of moonlight was coming in through the curtains, putting everything in an eerie light. The pain of memories he'd rather forget was corroding his soul away. Sleep did not come easily to one such as him, when the burden of over a thousand dead raged through his dreams, unwelcomed. He could tell himself over and over that wasn't really him, but there was no denying the eyes that peered back from those memories were his.

    Read more... )
    3:12 pm
    What Death Can't Stop
    Here another original game from wl551 and I... We hope you like it!

    Title: What Death Can't Stop
    Author: triceybabe_is_bestleftexposed aka [info]triceybabe and [info]wl551
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Chan

    What Death Can't Stop )
    3:09 pm
    The Negotiation
    Title: The Negotiation
    Auther: triceybabe and [info]wl551
    Rating: NC_17
    Warnings: Slash, angst
    Authors notes: This is an rp by wl551 and I, fomatted to story mode. Please leave feedback.

    The Negotiation

    Read more... )
    Thursday, August 30th, 2007
    12:00 am
    Stereotypical Sapphists
    I've seen a lot of LJ/IJ posts on stereotypical gay men in fantasy, but not so many on stereotypical lesbians. I just wanted to ask the other members what annoys them about the Stereotypical Sapphist character. For me, it's the fact that the Stereotypical Sapphist is always masculine in some way. Sometimes, other people can't even tell that they're women. I now find that tedious.

    What annoys you about Stereotypical Sapphists and what would you recommend to change the portrayal of lesbians in fantasy?
    Sunday, August 26th, 2007
    2:42 am
    And, since I've already begged you guys for help, I thought I should try to offer something potentially useful in return. So here's an essay I wrote about a year ago that touches on categories of sexuality.

    A (Very) Brief Discussion On Ancient Greco-Roman Sexuality, And a Constructionist View of Sexuality
    1:56 am
    The "Everyone is Gay" Syndrome
    I haven't seen any other posts here yet...so I guess I get to write the inaugurating post for the community.

    So, I've been going along, writing my story, when suddenly I realize that more and more of my characters are turning out to be queer. My protagonist is not queer--but her father is (this was something established in my brain from the beginning). In addition to the father, there's also his Significant Other. But this was planned and so all was well.

    But then a secondary protagonist showed up (a deuteragonist) and as it turns out, he's bisexual and it shows. So now, of my central cast of about 10, 3 are queer. This was getting to be a slightly high percentage, but I was OK with it. But *then* one of the antagonists turns out to be not-straight also (and this is affecting the way he interacts with the deuteragonist). Which leaves nearly half my main cast as queer.

    Now, if I were working with a non-heteronormative culture, I'd not be concerned. But I'm not. So my fear now is whether the sheer number of queer characters is becoming unbelievable, given that I'm writing in a culture where homosexuality is illegal. And especially given that the protagonist herself is not really involved in that subculture. (Now, if I were writing the father's story, it'd be a different matter altogether, since I suspect that he'd know and associate with some like-minded people.) Since people have accused me in the past (although not with this story in particular) that "all my characters are gay", I've become a little hypersensitive to this sort of thing.

    What I'm asking then, is for opinions. At what point does it become strange, silly, or just plain unbelievable? (Because for some reason populating an entire book with heterosexuals is quite normal, but populating an entire book with homosexuals seems to strain reader disbelief.)
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