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Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

    Time Event
    Another two years' worth of original powerfic (2010-2012)
    Here's a list of the new stories I've posted online or published as e-books in the past two years: original slash, original gen (often friendship fiction), and original het. They're works of fantasy, historical fantasy, and contemporary fiction which feature:

    * gods, priests, and mortals
    * rulers and subjects
    * lords and liegemen/liegewomen
    * mentors and students
    * masters, servants, and slaves
    * dominants and submissives
    * torturers, guards, and prisoners
    * soldiers, spies, and railroad men
    * siblings

    Not all at once, of course. :)

    As the boilerplate warning for all my stories puts it, "All of the stories feature love or respect, though sometimes it takes a while to get there." I also have a bunch of older stories that I haven't listed here. To see them all, you can visit my home page or simply click on the links to the series pages below. If you want to, you can Friend my blog or sign up for my updates e-mail list.

    The Eternal Dungeon, Life Prison, Commando, The Three Lands, Loren's Lashes, and cover art )

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