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keeping portlander weird

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[10 Jun 2017|10:04am]

My name is Jeff, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm actually usually a pretty punctual guy, like- I'm pretty on top of things- this just slipped my mind. Anyway. Uh, how are you guys? Got any cool plans this weekend?
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customs svp [05 Jun 2017|03:10pm]

what's good, i'm ara. i want to know what everyone's hidden talent is! i know you all have them, don't be shy, tell me all about burping the alphabet and shit like that.
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[14 May 2017|11:39am]


In light of the NSFW free for all earlier this week, I thought I'd throw one of these up for the day of rest. Show off your mom for Mother's Day, or just post whatever you feel like. Ask questions, get questions. Anonymous is fair game for now, so don't abuse it.
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customs if ya nasty [09 May 2017|01:18am]

hello, i'm kacie and this guy in high school was SURE my name was just short of kitty cat, 100% convinced. have you ever had ridiculous mix ups with your name? if not, tell me how you relax because i'm going on day three of lack of sleep and i think my minds starting to go
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customs for all [08 May 2017|01:33pm]

hey everyone i'm sieana, but NOTHING SEEMS AS IMPORTANT TODAY than having my eyes glued to this Sally Yates testimony. heroes all around us, people. so let's talk about some of your favorite lady heroes, give me a real-life one (or few), and give me some fictional ones, for fun.
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customs for those that are worthy [30 Apr 2017|10:04pm]

so my siblings and i were having a conversation about our childhoods. mainly what has scarred us for life and all. number one on that list: the chancla. i'm morgan and i want to know what still traumatizes you to this day. don't have anything? just ask a random question.
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i give good customs [05 Apr 2017|08:36pm]

i am jasmine masters, and i have something to say. the burger my friend just handed me proves that disrespect can come from anyone at any time. mayo, onions, mustard, and tomatoes? on my burger? it's like my friend doesn't even know me anymore. when was the last time you were violently attacked and disrespected like i was?
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introduction [06 Apr 2017|02:12am]

hello there. i'm connor and since i've spent my flu recovery watching countless movies i want to know if you could be in any movie and be any character who would you chose?
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customs! [18 Mar 2017|01:54pm]

[ music | posted this and realized the one below me also asked for suggestions, my bad ]

i'm ari, and i just finished shameless (wow), so as generic as this is - i need your best netflix/amazon prime/hulu suggestions. i like skateboarding, glitter parties, cher's twitter, horror movies that leave me confused, 80s neon nighttime photography and this. go crazy.

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[14 Mar 2017|06:06pm]



and feel free to ask/dare each other, i'm not a machine.
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hello, my name is molly... [10 Mar 2017|09:18pm]


while i look nothing like this woman, we share this in common.

seriously, test me.
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[06 Mar 2017|04:44pm]
WELCOME BACK GUYS. bare with us as we figure out what to do and gather ourselves together, but activity requirements for this month will be waived in lieu of the craziness. if you have any questions, direct them here. i won't be screening them or friending this post for now because of those it kicked out of the comm.

let's treat this as this month's activity check. comment here by FRIDAY and we'll consider that the mark of you still being around. if you need to do anything to get your journal back together, please let us know and we'll fix it all on our end. adds will likely happen saturday, depending on apps and things.
45 comments|post comment

customs are guaranteed entertainment [26 Feb 2017|01:11am]

hello all, i'm em. or as my co-workers called me for a full year, melanie. do people ever get your name mixed up? what about starbucks? what's your worst misspelling?
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make this a thing or nah? [24 Feb 2017|04:47pm]

[ mood | #natparksandchill ]

Hello! And welcome to

With the ongoing chaos, I decided one of my best contributions to society is to keep the thinking going. Fight the man! Learn things!

Silliness aside, I thought it'd be cool to have a weekly geek out for those of us that way inclined. I plan on posting something interesting to me, and then leave things open to discussion, suggestions for the next week, and general sharing.

Perhaps the most exciting news of this week is that NASA discovered 7 new planets

I, however, would also like to point to this article about how important it is to measure not just how much deforestation we're seeing via traditional means (land area) but how far apart forests are becoming from one another.

How do you feel about life on other planets? Possible or not? If you could go to another planet (Mars or otherwise) but could never come back to Earth, would you? Have you started following @altusnatparkser?

19 comments|post comment

customs [23 Feb 2017|11:58am]

hey! i'm tyler. what does drunk you love to do? i personally find drunk me likes to try to clean the apartment...i am sure my roommate can tell you, it does more harm than good.
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Customs [23 Feb 2017|07:41am]

Hello, hello.

I figure we could use a good get to know you, so let's get started.

Who are you?
Where are you from?
Coast or desert?
Snowbord or ski?
Sea lions or seals?
What's your dream job?
42 comments|post comment

[13 Feb 2017|05:53pm]

i'm sam. i'm a procrastinator. for weeks i've known my window was leaking air and i decided not to do anything about it. today i watched a spider crawl into my room. i guess i'm headed to the hardware store.

i never like to do my home repairs. what's one thing you always put off?
31 comments|post comment

customs for free [13 Feb 2017|12:46pm]

what's going on, portland? i'm going on six months here but my place didn't feel like home until the mypillows arrived. what is something (preferably embarrassing) you either can't leave home without or can't believe you lived without before it came into your life?
10 comments|post comment

[12 Feb 2017|12:31pm]

i'm natalia and have recently become obsessed with this watermelon flavored water. like, ran out and bought two cases to keep on hand kind of obsessed. who are you and what's getting you excited these days?
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adds! run the button. [11 Feb 2017|11:25pm]
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