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keeping portlander weird

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make this a thing or nah? [24 Feb 2017|04:47pm]
[ mood | #natparksandchill ]

Hello! And welcome to

With the ongoing chaos, I decided one of my best contributions to society is to keep the thinking going. Fight the man! Learn things!

Silliness aside, I thought it'd be cool to have a weekly geek out for those of us that way inclined. I plan on posting something interesting to me, and then leave things open to discussion, suggestions for the next week, and general sharing.

Perhaps the most exciting news of this week is that NASA discovered 7 new planets

I, however, would also like to point to this article about how important it is to measure not just how much deforestation we're seeing via traditional means (land area) but how far apart forests are becoming from one another.

How do you feel about life on other planets? Possible or not? If you could go to another planet (Mars or otherwise) but could never come back to Earth, would you? Have you started following @altusnatparkser?

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