January 6th, 2012

[info]bethbythehour in [info]oregonal_sin


The end of another long night - which, in practicality, meant the sun was already rising as Beth headed down into the cathouse barroom, wrapping an old shawl closer around her shoulders against the dawn chill. Slightly sore, definitely tired, but still smiling as she collapsed onto a chair, careful to get the shawl under her arm before she leaned on the polished table.

Not alone. The barroom was rarely empty, but the dawn meant tired girls heading to bed, and someone in the corner. Someone, that morning, who wasn't Gemma.

Beth straightened up, tucking her shawl in more firmly and lifting her head as she glanced across at Jax. "Gemma sleeping already?"

[info]drbenjaminadams in [info]oregonal_sin

Backdated to January 4

Benjamin did not remember the last time a day had seemed to drag quite so much. There was nothing particularly odd about it. In fact, it was routine. But he had barely slept half an hour and had had his evening - their evening - in mind all day long, so that each patient seemed to drag by slowly.

By the time he was done for the day, night had fallen, and he was on edge in a way he very rarely was. He knocked before walking into John's home, put his bag down, walked over to him, and kissed him, thankful that they were in a spot that could not easily be seen through the windows.