March 20th, 2010

[info]silenced_song in [info]oregonal_sin

Plot! Post.

Spring rains combined with snow-melt and run off from higher in the mountains to saturate the ground and, in very short order, send a massive wave down river to the town. The river broke her banks, and down by the supply docks the damage was at it's worst.

The ships there were damaged beyond repair, people on board and working at loading and unloading were killed. The docks themselves were just gone, as were the board walks around the area. In town the damage was less extensive - further from the river and slightly higher ground keeping the worst at bay. Still, the church and warehouses were flooded, and the stables, boarding house and general store didn't escape unscathed.

The fields that had been prepared for planting were muddy, with pools of water standing in them. Planting wasn't going to happen anymore than supply boats were going to be coming down the swollen river any time soon. Especially not with damaged warehouses compromising the town's seed supply - along with anything else stored in there.

Frankly, they were lucky the loss of life wasn't higher.

And it might be before the time it was over. Starvation was the immediate concern, yeah, but after that came concern about disease being spread by bugs and stagnant water.