
Sep. 15th, 2008


07:06 pm - Update.

Soory to keep everyone waiting. We got hit by the remnants of Hurricane Ike and will be lucky to have power by the time Heroes comes back. Needless to say, internet access is going to be sketchy for me at best. I'll try to post as I can, but Peter might be out of play a little longer than usual.

tpo, Puppy.

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Jul. 15th, 2008


07:11 pm - Withdrawing

I'm withdrawing Heidi's activity from this comm. Peace out and good luck with your muses.

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May. 1st, 2008


10:48 am - Comm Rules

These ordinary people -- like you, like me -- are capable of extraordinary things. -- Nathan Petrelli, "Powerless"

It has been almost five months since the events in "Powerless." Everything that has happened up until that point occurred as it did (including an appearance of a character from the first fifteen minutes of Season 3). What matters now is the future. There is much at stake. What will be your part in it?

Things are pretty straight-forward here, so there aren't a lot of rules.


1. You MUST love the character you play. If you don't know the character that well, just want to play the character because he or she has cool powers or is pretty, then we don't want you. You have to take this character seriously.

2. Nobody dead
2B. Canon only
2C. One character per person
2D. Slash is okay!


1. Due to the nature, the topics, and the depth of this community, we only take players who are 18 years or older.


1. Before you can apply, you must make sure that the character you want to play is open. First check the Taken Character list. If the character you want is taken, make a post on the Waitlist. But if the character is open, yay! You can apply for him or her with your character's journal Here


1. Roleplay can be done on a thread on [info]toextraordinary or on your character's own journal. No real rules for it. Be aware that roleplay of all ratings will be taking place.

Before playing, try to familiarize yourself a little with some of the roleplays that have taken place. Check out [info]kirbyplaza2006, [info]notafraidanymre, [info]doctorsuresh, [info]standmyground and here (the spoiler for Season 3, but has seeds for one of the current plots) for the roleplays that have happened so far.

2. Plots

These are a funny thing: we really don't have any. They are introduced by the characters. Expect anything that could happen in the show, to happen here.

Prompts (Optional)

1. Prompts are done on a daily basis--beginning May 1st. They are there for you to get more into the character, but they are optional.

2. Prompt replies must be 150 words or more

3. You can post your prompt reply on the comm itself, or to your own journal. If you don't post your prompt on the comm itself, please post the link to your prompt reply.

4. Please use the tag issued to your muse and the prompt tags as well.

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10:55 am - Character Application

If you would like to join with us, we'd love to have you! Please leave two things here:

The name of the character you wish to write for
The name of the character's IJ

That's it! You can expect an invite within a week.

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10:51 am - Waitlist

If the character you wish to play is already taken, please leave the a message here with the character's name.

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10:46 am - Taken Characters

[info]claire_bare ------ Claire Bennet
[info]papersalesman ------ Noah Bennet
[info]company_girl ------ Elle Bishop
[info]claudereigns ------ Claude
[info]lazarus_risen ------ Adam Monroe
[info]darknathan ------ Future Nathan
[info]darktraveler ------- Peter
[info]donpetrelli ------ Arthur Petrelli
[info]nothingtohide ------ Heidi Petrelli
[info]notafraidanymre ------- Nathan Petrelli
[info]kirbyplaza2006 ------- Peter Petrelli
[info]doctorsuresh ------- Mohinder Suresh

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