Opus Two RPG - February 27th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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February 27th, 2011

[Feb. 27th, 2011|06:48 pm]
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*meets Arakáno at the airport in Lindon* *was actually there ridiculously early but just wanted to have every eventuality covered [what if he had a puncture? what if her flight was early? what if her flight was diverted and he'd have to charter another plane to go collect her? and, oh, he should have just chartered a flight for her in the first place]*

*meets her at arrivals and has a sign and everything* )

*shepherds her to his waiting car (a nice little sporty number) and drives at speed through the winding roads of Lindon*
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[Feb. 27th, 2011|10:19 pm]
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[Mood | guilty]

*Paces around the top floor of Ilmarin, keeping an eye on events to the East, as he has been doing ever since Vána's judgement.*

*Feels somewhat encouraged at Ulmo's reports of Noldor and Sindar working together but can't shake the feeling that he's been entirely too complacent of late.*

*Notices something untoward in the distance.* *Makes a note to tell Aulë to keep an eye on his maiar, especially after what happened last time.* Oh Olórin, you too? *sighs* Orë is not a toy.
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[Feb. 27th, 2011|11:59 pm]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*Wonders if Marian was onto something when she suggested doing something to get her mind off crazy sex dreams.*

*Figures that she probably owes Kirin an apology for being subjected to her family's insanity at the festival anyway.*

*Rifles through her father's rolodex (he never got the hang of mobile phone address books) until she finds his number and dials.*
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