Opus Two RPG - January 12th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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January 12th, 2011

[Jan. 12th, 2011|07:43 pm]
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[Mood | irate]

*Travels onwards for his magical mystery tour or Orë with Olórin.*

*Well, he says travels, it would be more accurate to say that they're sitting in a traffic jam and have been for the last hour, and this is all part of the experience apparently.*

*Tries doodling on a pad to take his mind off it but ends up jotting down theories to explain why this is happening.*

*Hisses.* It doesn't make any sense, there's no accidents, there's no road-works, why doesn't anything in this world work the way it should?
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[Jan. 12th, 2011|10:12 pm]


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[Mood | exhausted]

*settles in for the last of her several nights spent bunking down at Vána and Oromë's* *has stored or sold most of her few belongings while she works out where to go after Doriath (why is it always just when she gets used to a place...?)*

*still, is cheered when she looks forward to her next stop—surprising her brother with a visit to Mithrim* *has even enlisted her work-in-progress to help her work out the logistics (it's crazy how in-progress he is these days even if he's still clueless as to how he's related to her)*

*turns off the light in the guest room and climbs into bed, wishing good thoughts into her dreams (and hoping maybe tonight will be the night she gets an actual decent night's sleep)*
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