Opus Two RPG - July 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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July 21st, 2010

[Jul. 21st, 2010|06:40 pm]
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*receives word from Glorfindel that her little sister doesn't seem to be feeling well, and has, in fact, been wandering around town in this state for who-knows-how-long* *pauses to marvel (as she so often does) at the utter charm and usefulness of most of these House Lords her husband's so fond of baiting* *could've used a few like them back in Nargothrond, that's for sure*

*sends out feelers and servants and, in no time at all, tracks down Galadriel* *leaves Alexander with his nanny and heads that way, fully prepared to chew her sibling out for taking off outside instead of laying around with soup and soaps all day like a good sick girl*
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[Jul. 21st, 2010|10:36 pm]
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*is about to engage in a very, very dangerous task (perhaps even more dangerous than the Dagor Dagorath which was a regular party, in truth)* *is about to infiltrate Ilmarin without telling Varda that he's there*

*late one night (or early one morning), streams into a particular window with the breaking down* *brushes himself off and smiles brightly* Hi! Good night? It was a good night.
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[Jul. 21st, 2010|10:37 pm]


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*a week into his self-imposed exile visit up north, has managed to convince the doctor at a local clinic to prescribe a higher dosage of his meds—and he didn't lie, exactly, but it did take some careful wording and not-wording to get around the man's questions* *would probably feel guilty, except Carol seems relieved that he's apparently sleeping better (even if his appetite is still tanked)*

*hasn't done any house- or job-hunting yet because that will make it real but figures he has a little time before finances force him to get serious* *in-between fixing things around Carol's house and running errands for her, finds himself wandering downtown Brighton, tracing his college routes and visiting old haunts* *also stands outside the glass shop for a while, until the stupidity (he's not here / he's not coming back) gets to be too much for him*

*isn't quite aware of what he's doing when he crosses Fifth and heads up to Brandy Ave., but takes one look at On the Fly's big chalk ad (Pool Night Wing Special!) and decides he feels like getting lost in a crowd for a while*
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