Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in Whoville, Out of Character's InsaneJournal:

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    Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
    8:08 pm
    I have ULTIMATE POWER. It is *mine*.

    Ok, no. But I do have the power of making and removing tags (in the sense of labels for what characters have played in what post). Thank you, Becky! I think all recent characters who didn't have a tag do now. If you see anything missing/wrong, please let me know. Also feel free to pester me about such things in the future. I won't mind, it's a little thing that makes me feel organized even though I'm, you know. Not.
    Saturday, July 25th, 2009
    6:12 am

    Right, so.. I've gone ahead and updated John to be Torchwood end of series 3 canon compliant as promised. He's got a post up now, and is raring to go. To any I'm still in threads with him pre-update, don't stress, I still very much want to play those out too *g*

    So yeah.. watch out for 'Children of Earth' spoilers, if anyone still is watching out for that? I'll be spoiler cutting his posts for the time being, so be warned!


    Friday, July 24th, 2009
    9:31 pm
    Back in two weeks...
    Going to be at Pennsic for the next two weeks, leaving in... oh, about four and a half hours, give or take. So, I'll be without internet, and I shall be back on the 9th of August.
    Monday, July 13th, 2009
    11:50 am
    New pup
    So Eric was the most stubborn of my muses about being played, no contest there. Here he is! Eric out of True Blood, yes, yet another vampire.

    He's about 1000 years old, quite powerful among his kind but far from the best vampire ever, very dry brand of humour, very ruthless, very much once a Viking.

    I'm going to put up an open for him to arrive in Whoville because I can't help it, but I should let you all know that I'll be on holiday starting this weekend and for three weeks, without an internet access. But, y'know, holiday! At last.

    ...this is Fan', by the way.
    Saturday, July 11th, 2009
    1:46 am
    So umm.. John!muse is getting antsy and plotty in my head with all the new 'Children of Earth' canon fodder. *ahem* I had already planned for a while to take him out and plop him back in headed towards a post series 3 AU, so now is the ideal opportunity.

    So I'm going to wait until spoiler time is up and and then do this thang. He's very happy to complete current stuff, and I'm up for any threads before I take him out. If anyone would like him , then just shout up and poke me. Actually, if anyone has a Jack they'd like to play against him before he goes and gets updated, that'd be *really* cool, but he's fun for me to play against most anyone,  so yeah..

    Friday, July 10th, 2009
    12:18 pm
    Because I'm indecisive and easily lead - I have half formed muses. Several. I want to pick one and go with it. This is a make shift poll. Should I bring in:

    Bring the Third Doctor back! He already has a journal, I gave up on him too fast.
    The Second Doctor. He is light hearted fun.
    The Seventh Doctor. He's a bit scary.
    Gwen! This place needs more Torchwood.
    Rhys! Playing the clueless human is fun.
    Sarah Connor Chronicles!John Connor. Because what I really need is another fucked up teenager in my head.
    Sarah Connor herself! Well, because she's just badass.

    Sadly, I am open to other suggestions.
    Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
    9:47 pm
    Hello, all! New here, I'm Fan', and I wish I could say Lucian was all Vae's fault but he is only mostly Vae's fault. The blame's also Becky's and Amanda's, whether they wanted to or not.

    Anyway! This is Lucian, who you might know from Underworld and Rise of the Lycans. Lycan leader, once the Romeo to a vampyre's Juliet. A long, long time ago, but it's something of a trauma.

    As far as mythology goes, silver hurts him. He's extremely fast, strong, and skilled. He shifts on will. That's about it.

    I probably won't put him into play until next week, but now you know he's here! Please do introduce me to you and yours!
    Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
    8:54 pm
    Hello out there!

    I'm Shannon and I offer ye Rose from just before the close of Parting of the Ways. I'd love to play with anybody :-) I usually play Ten, so, don't go to hard on me!
    Saturday, March 28th, 2009
    8:33 pm
    Mitchell needs a tag please?
    Thursday, March 5th, 2009
    9:03 pm
    More new characters!
    Hi guys! Anna here - and this is Lorne. The canon Lorne comes from Angel the Series, but this Lorne ended up in Cardiff instead of LA so he bumped into the Torchwood people instead of Angel. He's an empath demon and he reads people's auras - easiest when they sing for him - and tries to advise them as to where their path is going.

    He'll be arriving in Whoville with my other new character, [info]gwen__cooper (yeah, I know, really original name *g*), very shortly.

    Well, actually, I think I'm going to have them already having arrived and just finding their feet. There's only so many times everyone wants to play the 'telling Anna's new characters how the place works' game, after all! *g*

    Anyway, threads will go up shortly. (Yes, I know I should be working on my fic, but I'm all burned out on it for tonight.)
    Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
    8:15 am
    it must be vampire season...
    Yes, well. There was encouragement. And this is Vae with another vampire.

    Chaps, this is Jean-Claude, from the Anita Blake series of books by Laurell K Hamilton. He's 400 years old, give or take a decade, and originally French. Vampire, yes. All sorts of mind tricks, yes.

    Brief run down of general vamp canon from the Anita-verse - they're resurrected corpses, so very actually dead. Cold unless they've recently fed, and need blood to survive. Sunlight burns and kills them, the majority of vamps "die" at sunrise and remain inanimate until sunset. Garlic is bad, yes. Holy water is bad. Holy items are bad if the wearer has belief in them. Driving a stake into them = death, but that handily applies to humans as well. Silver's not a great thing, either. On the flip side, the invitation thing isn't necessary, they're preternaturally fast, have the power of hypnosis through eye contact and sometimes through voice, and are, of course, very strong. They can form psychic bonds with chosen humans and lycanthropes and all involved gain greater power from this.

    Jean-Claude is a master vampire, which gives him all those things in abundance, as well as a rather interesting bunch of powers related to sex, and associated needs - he's in effect an incubus and needs to feed off sexual energy as well as blood.

    Oh, and yes. He definitely knows Jason.

    Anyone threading with him is very, very welcome to contact me to decide on how those powers are going to apply/affect things!
    Monday, March 2nd, 2009
    3:19 am
    New character shocker!
    Yes indeed, I've *finally* gone and got myself a new charrie!

    This is Mitchell from the BBC Three show 'Being Human', and he's as canon ie post series one. He's a 100 year old (odd) Irish vampire, who's somewhat on the wagon. More details of the vampire lore of the show, and his personal history is on his profile, and on Wiki here, and the BBC site here.

    *pets her muse* He's very lovely, even if I say so. Anyone want to play with him before I put him into an open?

    Oh, and this is Gaynor (sistercarrion) BTW!
    Friday, February 13th, 2009
    9:39 am
    So, I've just cleaned up my character list, dumping most of my characters - either because I was having issues playing them, or because they have stories that existed before they got co-opted for RP, and there are issues there.

    I've a question about the rest. Are they characters that people are going to find difficult to play with in general, or to find a plot with?

    Those in the nexus:
    [info]oldmanmethos (Methos, post-canon period, canon up to the end of the series)
    [info]gallifreyshero (Koschei, no drums, very AU)
    [info]gauntletfaith (Faith, close to canon personality, different recent events in her AU)

    Those not in the nexus, but can be brought back:
    [info]eleventh (The Doctor, canon up through series three, post-canon in timeframe)
    [info]notsodead (The Master, canon up through series three, post-canon in timeframe)
    [info]datheludram (the dragon, I haven't decided what I'm doing with him yet)

    Yes, there is one I have a thread going for that I will be dropping once the plot he's involved with is over. And if there are those that I've dropped that people would really like to see me play again, tell me, please.

    EDIT: And if emailing me instead of replying here is easier, I'm fine with that. morgynleri@gmail.com
    Wednesday, February 11th, 2009
    3:54 pm
    I have a thread open with Gray for a Time Lord - any Time Lord, Master, Doctor, Romana, the Rani, I don't care - here, with a plotty purpose. Is anyone able to pick it up? Please?


    Ok, is there anyone even willing to attempt it, even if all that happens is Gray gets disappointed?
    Wednesday, January 28th, 2009
    10:59 am
    And I'm not finding a tag for noboyking - if someone could fix that please?
    Saturday, January 24th, 2009
    12:20 pm
    Need tags for:


    Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
    10:47 am

    This link is excellent for role-players of all experience levels. It is very, very simple and straight forward, but touches on most of the BIG problems -- And the section on Sues and Stus is awesome. Give it a glance over.
    Tuesday, January 20th, 2009
    10:53 pm
    Lis here
    Since we have new people, and more activity, can we get a list of who's what where these days? I'm nosy.

    Active from me are:

    The set from various points from an AU that split during the Time War:
    [info]themasterreborn The Master
    [info]neverthelast The Doctor
    [info]notashopgirl Rose Tyler
    [info]riverrunning River Tam
    [info]super_temp Donna Noble

    And during the 'canon' Time War:
    [info]romanathesecond Lady President Romana

    How did I end up with so many female characters? I have the sudden urge to bring in a male character or so to balance. I may bring back [info]thedandy, from later in Three's run. Anyone had any 'We could really use a ______." thoughts?
    Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
    12:54 am

    I remembered that I hadn't really ever introduced myself on here or anything so I'm doing that now.

    I'm Dea, and this here is Ianto, who is...a little traumatised. He's not exactly stable so please be nice ;)

    I also brought in Sam Winchester a little while ago, and he can be found at [info]noboyking, who is...also traumatised. I apparently like my boys like that.

    So, yes, hi! I'm email-able, and I'm also twitter-able (dea_liberty) and IM-able (dealiberty on AIM) so please say hi and everything.
    Monday, January 19th, 2009
    8:21 am
    Someone who can, we need some new tags:
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